Course Syllabus

Welcome to Math 1. My name is Mrs. Reagan and I will have the pleasure of teaching you this year. You are responsible for the 8th grade EOG and the Math 1 EOC at the end of the year. This year during Jag Time for the 1st semester you will be learning the 8th grade math curriculum. Please use this link to read the syllabus  , then click the link on the document to acknowledge that you have read it. If you need a paper copy please let me know.

Here are some basics:

  • Come to class with your interactive notebook and pencil every day.
  • Come to class ready to work
  • Bathroom/ locker breaks are done between classes not during class.
  • All cell phones and electronic devices need to be kept in your locker with your locker locked.
  • No book bags or gym bags are allowed in the classroom.
  • Students are permitted to have clear water bottles containing water only in the classroom.
  • Red Algebra text book logon :
    • Website:
    • login/username: astudents639
    • password: j2v6j

Contact information:

919-554-4848 ext: 208

Follow me on Twitter @ReaganCCMSMath

Course Summary:

Date Details Due