Course Syllabus
Teacher: Michelle Cunningham
Room# 503
Contact Information:
Upon request, I am available after school for tutoring on Mondays 3:30 - 4:00
Course Materials:
- 2 spiral notebooks
- Fully charged Chromebook
- Earbuds
- Pocket folders (two pockets on each side)
- Loose leaf paper
- Pencils
CANVAS: Students can access our Canvas page via NCEdCloud. You will need your student number and password for NCEdCloud.
PARENTS: Use the following directions to create a Canvas Observer Account:
- Have your student(s) Generate a Pairing Code (this will be different for each student).
- Go to (bookmark this site so that you can easily access your Observer dashboard for your student(s).
- Click on Parent of a Canvas User? in the upper right-hand corner of the window.
- Complete the required information in the window, which will include inputting the student Pairing Code. Multiple students can be added.
- Go to the Dashboard to see your student(s)' courses.
- Parents can sign into this account to easily access their student's courses within Canvas.
- What can parents view as an Observer?
Honor Code: Classroom Expectations
- Be on time to class. “On Time” means ready to learn.
- Be prepared. Have all class materials with you as well as completed assignments. (Chromebooks fully charged!)
- Be engaged in class and ready to learn!
- Be responsible. Keep up with your class materials and work. Take ownership of your learning.
- Be respectful of yourself, your classmates, and your teacher.
- Do your best and work hard. Try!
Homework Expectations:
Weekly, students are required to work on their Learning Pathway in I-Ready for 45+ minutes. Remember, to receive credit your child must complete 45+ minutes with a 80% or higher rate on completion of lessons to receive credit for each week.
NOTE: At the request of Mrs. Cunningham, unfinished classwork may be assigned for homework.
Make-up / Late Work Policy:
When present in class, students are expected to be an active participant in the lesson. (i.e. warm-ups, note-taking, whole and small group discussions, math activities, and learning opportunities / assignments)
NOTE: off task behavior(s) and sleeping are not an option and students will not be able to make-up the assignment(s) as a result.
Grading Scale:
Formative 70%
Summative 30%
Grades: Please check Powerschool for your current grade
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |