Course Syllabus

Franklinton High School Logo Red Ram French Flag Eiffel Tower Je Parle Français Focus on Learning, Honoring Our Traditions, Serving Our Community Bonjour et bienvenue en cours de français I !

French I Course Syllabus

A. Course Description

This course aims at giving students a solid foundation in listening, speaking, reading, and writing the French language at the elementary level. In addition, we will explore various cultural aspects of the francophone world. To accomplish these goals, it is essential that we use French as the language of instruction and interaction in the classroom as much as possible. Our class atmosphere will be interactive, lively and encouraging of students’ best efforts. Learning a second language is very fun and rewarding, but it’s important to keep in mind that it takes a lot of time, dedication, and practice. To access the contents of this course, click Modules. Contents are organized into weekly modules + a resources modules at the top.


Guilhem Roche (Monsieur Roche)



☎️ (919) 494-2332 ext. 278

If you have any questions or concerns, please email me. Email is the fastest, simplest, and most convenient way to discuss school-related matters.

Office hours

3rd period planning and upon request. Students should notify me ahead of time.

Tutoring will be available for students who have filled out and regularly studied their notes, asked questions and paid attention in class as well as completed and reviewed assignments on time.

B. Materials Required

Please bring the following to class daily:

  • Pens or pencils
  • 3-ring binder
  • 6 divider tabs
  • Notebook paper
  • Fully charged laptop + charger
  • Earbuds for listening activities

C. Classroom Expectations

☞ Students should study and/or review French at least 30 minutes per day. Consistent practice is required for a successful semester. ☜

  1. Be respectful of people and property.
  2. Come to class on time, prepared, and do the warm-up right away. You must be in your seat when the bell rings.
  3. Raise your hand, and wait to be called on before you speak.
  4. Stay in your seat unless you have permission to get up.
  5. Listen and participate. Stay focused.
  6. No food or drink in the classroom (except water).
  7. Study for assessments and complete them ALL.  Don’t let yourself get behind.
  8. Be engaged! Use French as much as possible. The more fun you have speaking it, the more you will learn.

D. Course Curriculum

  • Pre-Chapter 1: “The Basics” (alphabet, diacritics, French-speaking countries & people, #s 1-30, etc.)
  • Chapter 1: “Who Am I?” (greetings, gestures, name, age, birthday, dates, likes, dislikes, activities, etc.)
  • Chapter 2: “Who’s in My Family?” (family vocabulary, colors, personality & physical traits, #s 31-69, etc.)
  • Chapter 3: “How Am I Educated?” (schools in France, school-related vocabulary, #s 70-100, telling time, etc.)
  • Chapter 4: “How Do I Spend My Time?” (leisure activities, places in a city, directions, weather, etc.)
  • Chapter 5: “Let’s Eat!” (café food & drinks, opinions about food, getting by in a café, etc.)

Our curriculum is informed by the North Carolina Essential Standards for world language instruction. A student who successfully completes French courses will be able to do the following:

  • Use the language to engage in interpersonal communication
  • Understand words and concepts presented in the language
  • Use the language to present information to an audience
  • Compare own culture with the target culture

Please click here to consult the pacing guide.

E. Grading

Students must maintain an average of 60% or better in order to receive credit for this course. Grades will be updated & posted weekly in PowerSchool and will be applied as follows:

A: 90-100 = 4.0 1st 9 weeks (Q1): 40% Tests/Projects: 40%
B: 80-89 = 3.0 2nd 9 weeks (Q2): 40% Quizzes: 30%
C: 70-79 = 2.0 Final Exam (E1): 20% Classwork: 20%
D: 60-69 = 1.0 First Semester (F1) Study Activities: 10%
F: <59 = 0

Retest Policy: Students are allowed to retake any test provided they scored less than a 70% on the first take and have remediated. The maximum grade allowed on a re-test is 70%.

Quizzes: Students CANNOT retake quizzes; they must study continuously to do well the FIRST time.

Late Work: Late Work is work that is not turned in on the due date, but the student is present in class.

Late work can receive no more than 60% of earned score. For example, if an assignment “earns” a 100%, the highest grade that can be entered in PowerSchool is a 60.

Attendance: When absent, it is the students’ responsibility to keep up with missed work. Please speak go to Canvas first, speak with a classmate, speak with me or email me about missed work if questions remain. For each school day missed, students have 2 days to make up work. Students must make up missed quizzes/tests on the day they return to school.

F. Academic Integrity

“Academic integrity refers to moral and ethical principles when engaging in academic pursuits. An integrity policy is part of an effort to nurture a community where trust, honesty, and personal integrity guide all of our dealings with one another. Personal integrity is vital to our pursuit of education and becoming educated. The responsibility to be honest, fair, and forthright with others is a responsibility that each teacher, parent, and student must accept.”

All assignments should be the student's own work.

Asking classmates for answers, copying someone else's work, being seen using any type of unauthorized device (cellphone) during assessments, using online translators and getting help from native French speakers is considered cheating -- the student will earn a zero on that assignment.

If one student willingly and knowingly allows another to copy their work -- as determined by the instructor -- both students involved will earn a zero on that assignment.

G. Online Learning

As part of the virtual learning environment, students may be asked to use the following third party digital tools:

  1. Quizlet
  2. Duolingo
  3. Google Documents
  4. Blooket
  5. Padlet
  6. Kami
  7. Vocaroo
  8. Quizizz
  9. Gimkit
  10. Other digital tools may be used as necessary to enhance learning.

Students will need their student number and password for NCEdcloud. If you have questions about the student login, please email me.

PARENTS:  Use the following directions to create a Canvas Observer Account

  • Have your student(s) Generate a Pairing Code (this will be different for each student).
  • Go to (bookmark this site so that you can easily access your Observer dashboard for your student(s).
  • Click on Parent of a Canvas User? in the upper right-hand corner of the window.
  • Complete the required information in the window, which will include inputting the student Pairing Code. Multiple students can be added.
  • Go to the Dashboard to see your student(s)' courses.
  • Parents can sign into this account to easily access their student's courses within Canvas.
  • What can parents view as an Observer?

All students should have access to PowerSchool where they can view their grades during the course of the semester. Ask your child for their access information at the beginning of the semester. Please feel free to contact me if you are unable to access PowerSchool or have a question regarding your child’s grades.

I look forward to a great and productive semester! Merci!

Monsieur Roche

Course Summary:

Date Details Due