English I - 1st Period

English I (1st Period)


Ms. Clark


Room 605



Welcome to English I.    I am very excited to be your teacher this semester.  English I is the FIRST English course in your high school career!  It is important to gain a solid foundation so you will be prepared for future English courses. It is essential that you keep up with class work, homework, and the pace of this class.  English I is the opportunity to explore many genres of literature.  You will be reading many novels, plays, short stories, poetry, and other supplementary articles.  Likewise, you will be writing essays, responses to literature, and various other written materials. You will conduct research and present your findings to the class.    



Grades will be used to evaluate and to provide feedback to students.  Your grade will be determined according to the following percentages.


Tests / Projects 40 %

Class Work / Homework 30 %

Quizzes 30 % 

The following grade scale will be used in this class.  

A (100 – 90) B (89 – 80) C (79 – 70) D (69 - 60) F (59 – 0)


  • Novels

To Kill A Mockingbird

A Raisin in the Sun

Romeo and Juliet

The Odyssey

Animal Farm

Dystopian Literature



  • Other Readings

Various Short Stories

Various Poetry Selections

Various Supplementary Articles

You should label your binder / portfolio sections in the following order:


  1. Essential Vocabulary
  2. Literature
  3. Research 
  4. Language / Grammar
  5. Writing 

You can expect some type of homework EVERY night.

*** Please bring your charged Chromebook with you EVERY day ***


3 ring binder (1 inch or bigger). 

5 tab dividers

Loose leaf paper in each section of your notebook

1 subject notebook

Index cards Sticky notes Highlighters

Pens (blue or black ink only) (for assignments)  Pencils 

Colored pens

Taking and organizing notes

Editing and corrections


A Positive Attitude An Open Mind A Willingness to Learn 



Come to class each day prepared and ready to learn

Have an open mind

Share your opinion

Be respectful of other’s opinion

Try new things




No food or drink allowed


Cell phones, ear buds, ear pods, headphones etc.  must be put away unless otherwise directed.


Do not leave your materials in the classroom!


Complete your work when it is due!  The number one reason for low grades is not completing your work!  Once you fall behind, it is extremely difficult to get caught up!  Stay current!  


I am here to help you learn.  It is my job to teach.  It is your job to learn.  If we all work together then we can build a positive learning environment!  Please let me know how I can help!  


My usual tutoring days are Tuesday and Wednesday.  


Please let me know in advance if you plan to stay after school.  If you are not here by 3:15 then I assume you are not attending.  


We will be using Canvas and Google Classroom this semester


Google Classroom Code:



*(all letters are lower case) 

Course Summary:

Date Details Due