Math 6 Mrs. Conner

Mrs. Conner 

6th Grade Math

Contact information: or 919-554-4848 ext. 406


Course Description: 


Sixth grade math will touch on a range of topics including geometry, ratios, fractions, decimals, expressions, equations and statistics.  Classes will contain a mixture of direct instruction, group work, individual work.  


We will be using a program this year called IReady.  IReady will be used to help students catch up on material that they may have missed or may be struggling with.  Students will be required to work with IReady for at least  45 minutes a week.


Students will access course information by going to [Google Classroom].  Students will need their FCS google account username and password for access.


Units Covered this year:


Unit 1: Area and Surface Area


Unit 2: LCM and GCF


Unit 3: Ratios and Rates


Unit 4: Dividing Fractions


Unit 5: Decimals


Unit 6: Integers/Rational Numbers


Unit 7: Coordinate Planes


Unit 8: Algebraic Expressions


Unit 9: Algebraic Equations


Unit 10: Volume


Unit 11: Statistics




Students may receive homework in both electronic and paper forms.  Students will be given a due date for each homework assignment, however will also have a final due date at the end of each unit.  


For example: all geometry assignments will be able to be turned in up until the end of the geometry unit.  


Materials needed for class:


Math Notebook(composition notebook)




Loose leaf paper


Dry Erase Markers




Resources we will use in class:






Delta Math

Course Summary:

Date Details Due