Oakley Science 2021-22

8th Grade Science

Mr. Oakley

Contact information: christopheroakley@fcschools.net

Students may be asked to use the following third party digital tools:

  1. Google Meets and recordings (example)
  2. Google Classroom
  3. Wakelet
  4. Peardeck and Nearpod
  5. cK-12 and Khan Academy
  6. G-Suite (google docs, slides, sheets, etc.)
  7. Screencastify
  8. Edpuzzle
  9. Quizizz
  10. Plasma Games



Students will access course information by clicking on Modules.  Students will need their student number and password for NCEdcloud. If you have questions about the student login, please email me.

PARENTS:  Use the following directions to create a Canvas Observer Account

If you have student device or account questions, email FCStechhelp@fcschools.net.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due
Public Domain This course content is offered under a Public Domain license. Content in this course can be considered under this license unless otherwise noted.