Course Syllabus

Class is 2:25-3:10 (Monday - Friday)  

Teacher: Morgan Meadows

Contact information: 

Planning/Office hours: I am available for parent and/or student conferences.  Please email me regarding any questions, concerns or to set up a meeting. 

As part of the class students may be asked to use the following third party digital tools:

  1. Kahoot
  2. Quizizz
  3. Quizlet 
  4. EdPuzzle
  5. FlipGrid

If you do not wish for your student to use these tools, please complete THIS FORM

 and email it to me.

ATTENTION PARENTS AND STUDENTS: When School is back in person, we may be doing activities outside and in the classroom, with plants and other equipment and materials. This class is likely different from anything else you have done in school. Safety comes first. I will not make you do anything you are uncomfortable with, but it is important that you take all equipment and procedures seriously! We will have class discussions on expectations and safety together before doing any laboratory activities.

Dear Parents/Guardians,

In our classroom, we are utilizing digital learning tools to enhance student learning experiences.  These are valuable resources that will help prepare our students for their futures. Below is a list of digital tools that we use in our classroom.  I want you to be aware of the tools I plan on using during this school year.

The digital tools and websites that we access may change throughout the year.  

More information can be found on the FCS Technology Department page under Online Educational Resources and Tools.


Course Description 

Welcome to Exploring  Animal and Plant Science! This class is part of Exploring Agricultural Science.  In this course, we will be focusing on and exploring how the animals and plants are grown and harvested to become the items we use and the food we eat! This course will also include topics in FFA, Leadership and Agriculture Science career exploration.


Tests, Projects, Quizzes = 66%

Classwork, Lab Participation = 33%

Class Expectations:

  1. Be on time to class, come in silently                    5. Participate in class and complete                                                                                           assignments
  2. Be prepared with pencil, paper, and chromebook                                                                                                                          
  3. Raise hand to be recognized                                 6. Be polite to the teacher and                                                                                               classmates
  4. Request permission before speaking or moving

Consequences for not following expectations:

  • Warning 
  • Talk with the teacher, Redirection
  •  Infraction/Parent Phone Call
  • If the behavior becomes frequent there will be an Office Referral