Course Syllabus

Firstly, I’m glad to have you as a part of my Civics & Economics class here at Louisburg High School. 

On this website you will find everything that you need to stay up to date with our American Civics & Economics class.

Eventually, you will find assignments, PowerPoints (doubtful), and videos under the correct unit we are currently studying.

This American Civics & Economics course will address the political structure of the United States. The learning standards of this course have been written to focus around a basic core of the US political system and its economy. I expect students to reasonably know the material being taught and show some depth and not just memorize facts.

Students taking this course will also study major turning points that shaped modern American Government. Students coming to this course are expected to have a firm foundation in the themes and tools of geography and early American History. This course will challenge students in different ways by using new teaching strategies such as blended learning and flipped classroom lessons. 

Students and parents should feel free to contact me with regards to any additional information or to ask questions about what is expected. I always have an open door policy. 

Course Information

Welcome to 12th grade US Civics  with Mr. Batts! Civics is a course that gives students the opportunity to explore the United States government and its economy. The United States since its formation has played a central role in democracy around the world, along with playing a critical role in the world's economy. 


  • Unit 1:  Citizenship & Foundations of Government
  • Unit 2:  The Constitution
  • Unit 3:  Three Branches of Government
  • Unit 4:  Politics, and Elections
  • Unit 5:  Laws- Making & Violating Laws; Legal Process
  • Unit 6:  Personal Finance
  • Unit 7:  Economic Fundamentals

 (For ALL Classes)

  • *The Internet.*  We will have online assignments and various aspects of course work both in and out of the classroom that rely heavily upon internet access. If you do not have access at home, let me know ASAP so we can make arrangements. 
  • Please bring your laptop to class with the best charge you possibly can and your charger (if you have one). There should be no asking others to borrow chargers!
    • **On a side note with technology. In this class, it will be used as a TOOL, and will not be a distraction for you and others in class. I expect you to take notes (yes I mean it) with paper and pen/pencil.** 
    • **Laptops will only be used when I give the OK.
  • Cheap Pair of headphones. We will be doing some work where I will allow you to listen to music, or may need to view/listen to videos I make available. 
  • 3-subject COLLEGE ruled Spiral Notebook (8.5" by 11" page size) 
  • Pencils and pensat least, at all times. …Black or blue ink only. Red is for me only.
  • Notecards
  • Highlighters; 4 different colors. This will help with organization, classification of info, and studying.


  • We Respect Each Other    
  • ​We Try Our Best
  • We Are a Team
  • We Learn From Mistakes
  • We Celebrate Each Others Successes 

All students will demonstrate the above qualities on a daily basis in order to maintain a workable and safe learning environment.  It is my belief to set high expectations for student behavior in order to ensure learning within the classroom. 

1st Quarter = 40%
2nd Quarter = 40%
Final Exam 20%

Grading Breakdown:
Honors) * same for 2021*

  • Tests: 30%
  • Project/Essay: 30%
  • Quizzes: 20%
  • Homework/Classwork: 20%


  • Tests: 30%
  • Project/Essay: 30%
  • Quizzes: 20%
  • Homework/Classwork: 20%

*Extra Credit*
There will be opportunities for extra credit depending on class participation during the Unit.

When a student is absent, they are responsible for picking up missed assignments when they return to class.  Students can also check my website for daily assignments as well as notes, vocabulary, due dates, and projects.  Students will follow school policy for the amount of time given for make-up work (2 days). Tests and Quizzes must be made up within two days of an absence. It is the responsibility of the student to ask the teacher or a classmate about missed work.

10 points will be deducted for each day a class work assignment, homework assignment, or project is late for up to 5 days. Following this students will only be able to receive a 60% at most.

Students will follow the school policy as it relates to cell phones. I don't want to see or hear a phone in class. I'll leave it at that. 

Students cannot leave the room the first 15 or the last 15 minutes of class. 

Students at Louisburg are expected to uphold the school's Honor Code.  In cases where a violation of the honor code is suspected, the student(s) will be invited to meet privately with the instructor; the behavior discussed and necessary paperwork will be submitted according to school Academic Integrity Violation Procedures. 


I respect you all as young adults and expect you to do the same thing for me. Remember, I am a person before I am a teacher, so I get it – life does not revolve around your Civics class.  Keep me in the loop.  I am not a mind-reader so come and speak with me directly regarding any issue that arises that affect your ability to be successful in my class (academic, personal, or otherwise). 
Further, this course will touch upon issues that are areas of concern for everybody in class—remember to be respectful of everybody else’s opinions and beliefs and to phrase your thoughts in a respectful manner. You WILL be allowed to discuss views freely.  It is your right to be a Liberal, Conservative, Moderate, whatever you choose. I simply ask that everyone respect each other and to allow for freedom of thought.  Any actions that go against this will be dealt with quickly.  
If you are unclear about something we are doing in class — whether it be content you’re struggling with or in the realm of “why do we have to do this?”— I expect you to come and speak with me.  I am available by appointment before and after school as my schedule allows.   I’m here to support you.
Lastly, have fun!  This course can be really great fun and informative if given a chance.

​I hope to get to know all of you this year and inspire you to learn more about the US government and to participate in it when your time comes.

Contact Mr. Batts
The best way to contact me is by email. Parents, please include the students name in the email. During the week I will usually respond within 24 hours. I typically talk with students about any concerns parents mention before responding to emails so it could take longer than 24 hours for me to talk to the student and then respond. I am available in my room after school until 3:45 Tuesday and Thursday by appointment unless I have a meeting. 

Students are always welcome to stay after on those days for any issues they have.

Office hours: 3:15-3:45 T/TH

Course Summary:

Date Details Due