Financial Planning I - BF212X0 - S1 - Batkoski - 4(A)

Financial Planning I

Block 4 - 1:35-3:00

Donald J. Batkoski (Mr. B)

Contact information:

My video introduction to you:


Click here for the Course Syllabus

Virtual Office hours: 8:30-9:00 via FCS Email or LHS Phone Lines (919-496-3725 ext 260); students can access links for these hours from their Google Calendar (Grades K-12) sent from their teacher(s).  

Students will access course information by clicking on Canvas and attend the daily class meeting that will be offered each school day.  Students will need their student number and password for NCEdcloud.

PARENTS:  Use the following directions to create a Canvas Observer Account

Need support for student device or account?  Please email

Course Summary:

Date Details Due