Course Syllabus

Ms. Marshall
919-494-2332 ext 275

Office Hours: Wednesday 9-10 am or by appointment

This is a college level course and the work is college level. You will be challenged but well prepared not only for the exam but for future courses. 

Course Description:The World History AP course provides a perspective and understanding of how civilizations have adapted, modified, and evolved throughout time. During the course, students will develop a greater understanding of these evolutions of global processes and contacts and the interaction of these groups with different human societies. 

The course will be broken down on units of study based on historical periodization. AP World History will use the approach of analyzing global events and interactions from the 1200s to present. The primary goal of the course is to provide a student-centered learning environment and engage the student in a comprehensive curriculum. The culminating objective is for students to demonstrate a complete picture of world history. It is expected that students who want to take the AP exam will be prepared for that challenge.

Required Materials

Class materials: 

  • Charged Chromebook 

Optional materials

  • Binder and Notebook Paper
  • Pens and pencils
  • Paper
  • Highlighters, markers, and colored pencils

Course Units

In accordance with the AP College Board, this course will cover the following nine units:

(All the following information given is approximate time. The teacher can adjust the schedule as she sees fit at any time.)

  1. Global Tapestry 1200-1450 (8-10%)
  2. Networks of Exchange 1200-1450 (8-10%)
  3. Land Based Empires 1450-1750 (12-15%)
  4. Transoceanic Interconnections 1450-1750 (12-15%)
  5. Revolutions 1750-1900 (12-15%)
  6. Consequences of Industrialization 1750-1900 (12-15%)
  7. Global conflict 1900-present (8-10%)
  8. Cold War and Decolonization 1900-present (8-10%)
  9. Globalization 1900-present (8-10%)

Five World History AP Themes

  • Theme 1- Interaction between humans and the environment
  • Theme 2- Development and Interaction of Cultures
  • Theme 3- State-Building, expansion and interactions of Economic Systems
  • Theme 4- Creation, expansion and interactions of Economic Systems
  • Theme 5- Development and transformation of social structures
  • Theme 6 - Technology and Innovation

Required Activities:

  • Daily Attendance. Please do your best to attend all live sessions and instructional support sessions. These sessions will allow you to get the material and support you will need to be successful. In order to be marked present you must attend google meet live sessions  and/or complete any assignments due that day.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to complete and turn in all assignments before the next class. Missing assignments will be posted as zeros in Powerschool until they are received.
  • If absent, then check the agenda (hyperlinked on syllabus canvas page) to find the missing work. All work can be accessed through canvas. Most assignments will be completed on google classroom but all assessments will be on canvas. 

Students will be marked present if they:

  • Complete at least one daily assignment
  • Attend a Google Meet session hosted by the teacher
  • Log in to Canvas to access teacher directions/assignments
  • Excuse notes will still be collected.  The reasons for an excused absence are unchanged.
  • If absent or unable to attend the live session of class, then all work will be posted on canvas. Be sure to check the weekly classroom guide. 

Evaluation Method:

Grades:  Grades will be posted in POWERSCHOOL and are calculated as follows
Quarter grades:  Formative Assessment: 40% Summative Assessment: 60%
Final Grades: Quarter 3 grades = 40%, Quarter 4 grades = 40% and Final Exam: 20% 

 Grading Scale:

A = 90 – 100
B = 80 – 89
C = 70 – 79
D = 60 – 69
F = 59 and below

PowerSchool – I will be updating grades at least once a week in PowerSchool. Please be sure to frequently check grades or have the students check grades. You may see grades in canvas but the overall average will be accurate in PowerSchool. If there is a grade discrepancy between the two systems, then PowerSchool will be the most reliable. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. 

School Messenger: I will be using school messenger to communicate with parents and students. Please be sure  you have set up your contact preferences. 

Communication is essential, please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. Be sure your information is correct in PowerSchool so you will receive messages from school messenger. Also,  be sure to fill out the google form at the end of the syllabus with correct contact information. 

Late Work Policy: This is an AP course and all work is expected to be turned in on time. However, Students will have one additional day to complete the assignment with no late penalty. The assignment will then be marked MISSING in PowerSchool and a ZERO recorded.

Students that turn in a completed assignment after the initial due date will receive a 10 point deduction per day for the first five days. (Example. 10 points - 1 Day Late; 50 Points - 5 Days Late) 

Please note that the late work policy is a FHS policy. 

**There may be some changes made to the syllabus to reflect changes made by FHS or FHS school board policies. 

Plagiarism/Cheating: Simply stated, DON’T DO IT!  Any type of cheating will result in a “0” grade. No questions asked!

Classroom Expectations:

  • Productive. Maximize learning time by staying on task and asking questions when you need help.
  • Patient. Be patient as this is a new experience for us all and it will take a lot of working together to make sure you all are successful.
  • Prepared. Bring all necessary materials and completed assignments to class each day. 
  • Prompt. Be on time. It is encouraged that you log on a few minutes prior to class starting.
  • Polite. Be nice or neutral, but not rude or harsh. No bullying; this is a safe environment. 
  • Cell phones should be put away during instruction time
  • Live Sessions. Please mute your microphone and turn off your camera when entering the Google Meet Live Sessions. Google meet link is at the top of google classroom.

AP EXAM Information

Exam Date: Monday – May 10 – 8 am

Section I: Part AMultiple Choice — 55 Questions | 55 Minutes  | 40% of Exam Score

  • Questions appear in sets of 3-4. .
  • Students analyze historical texts, interpretations, and evidence.
  • Primary and secondary sources, images, graphs, and maps are included.

Section I: Part BShort Answer — 3 Questions | 40 Minutes | 20% of Exam Score

  • Question 1 - Required - 1200-2001 with secondary source
  • Question 2 - Required - 1200-2001 with primary source
  • Question 3 - Choose between 2 questions - one question from 1200-1750 and one from 1750-2001 (no sources included)
  • Questions provide opportunities for students to explain the historical examples that they know best.
  • Some questions include texts, images, graphs, or maps.

Section II Part A: Document Based | 1 Question | 60 minutes (includes a 15-minute reading period) | 25% of Exam Score

  • Assess written, quantitative, or visual materials as historical evidence.
  • Develop an argument supported by an analysis of historical evidence.
  • The document-based question will focus on topics from 1450-2001

Section II Part B: Long Essay | 1 Question | 40 minutes | 15% of Exam Score

  • Explain and analyze significant issues in world history
  • Develop an argument supported by your analysis of historical evidence.
  • You’ll select from one of three essay choices, each focusing on the same theme and skill but different time periods:
    • Option 1: 1200-1750
    • Option 2: 1450-1900
    • Option 3: 1750-2001

Class Agreement

Parents and/or Guardians:  Thank you for taking the time to look over our classroom rules and procedures. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me by telephone or email.   I look forward to speaking with you and discussing any questions or concerns you may have.  If you like to stay up to date with what we will be covering in class, then please visit our canvas site. 

Thank You, Ms. Marshall

***We have read and understood classroom rules and procedures***

Google Form

Link to google meet is located at the top of google classroom
Tutoring available:  Wednesday 9-10 or by appointment
We use the following online applications in my class:
(And others too)
More information can be found on the FCS Technology Department page under Online Educational Resources and Tools.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due