Principles of Business & Finance - BF102X0 - S2 - Batkoski - 4(A)

Principles of Business (POB)

Block 4- 1:15-2:00 4th Recordings

Donald J. Batkoski (Mr. B)

Contact information:

My video introduction to you:


Virtual Office hours: 2:00-2:30 via FCS Email or LHS Phone Lines (919-496-3725 ext 260); students can access links for these hours from either Gmail (Grades 6-12) or their Google Calendar (Grades K-12) sent from their teacher(s).  

Students will access course information by clicking on Canvas and attend the daily Google Virtual meeting that will be offered each school day.  A link to the Virtual meetings will be sent each day for students to participate in the daily live sessions. Students will need their student number and password for NCEdcloud.

PARENTS:  Use the following directions to create a Canvas Observer Account

Need support for student device or account?  Please email

                                                      Principles of Business & Finance                              

                                                         Donald J. Batkoski, Instructor

Course Syllabus                                                                                                                              2020-2021

Course Description

Course Description:   This course introduces students to topics related to business, finance, management, and marketing to cover business in the global economy, functions of business organization and management, marketing basics, and significance of business financial and risk management. English language arts, social studies, and mathematics are reinforced. DECA (an association for Marketing Education students) and Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) competitive events, community service, and leadership activities provide the opportunity to apply essential standards and workplace readiness skills through authentic experiences.



This course will utilize the NCDPI Standard Course of Study.

Course Units


Understand communication skills and customer relations.


Apply verbal skills to obtain and convey information. (CO:053, QS LAP 29) (CO:084) (CO:061) (CO:114)


Record information to maintain and present a report of business activity. (CO:085) (CO:086) (CO:087)


Write internal and external business correspondence to convey and obtain information effectively. (CO:016) (CO:088) (CO:089) (CO:090)


Foster positive relationships with customers to enhance company image. (CR:003, CR LAP 1)


Understand information management.


Use information literacy skills to increase workplace efficiency and effectiveness. (NF:077) (NF:078) (NF:079) (NF:079) (NF:080) (NF:081)


Acquire a foundational knowledge of information management to understand its nature and scope. (NF:110, NF LAP 3)



Understand professional development.


Acquire self-development skills to enhance relationships and improve efficiency in the work environment. (PD:018; PD LAP 16, QS LAP 22)


Utilize critical-thinking skills to determine best options/outcomes. (PD:126) (PD:017; PD LAP 10, QS LAP 2) (PD:077; PD LAP 17, QS LAP 26)


Understand business operations management


Adhere to health and safety regulations to support a safe work environment. (OP:004) (OP:005)


Implement purchasing activities to obtain business supplies, equipment and services. (OP:015, OP LAP 2) (OP:016) (OP:031)


Understand production’s role and function in business to recognize its need in an organization. (OP:017, OP LAP 4)






Understand economics.


Understand fundamental economic concepts to obtain a foundation for employment in business. (EC:003, EC LAP 14) (EC:001, EC LAP 6) (EC:004, EC LAP 13) (EC:005, EC LAP 11) (EC:006, EC LAP 12)


Understand economic systems to be able to recognize the environments in which businesses function. (EC:007, EC LAP 17) (EC:009, EC LAP 15) (EC:010, EC LAP 2) (EC:011, EC LAP 3) (EC:012, EC LAP 8)


Understand the nature of business to show its contributions to society. (EC:070, EC LAP 20) (EC:071, EC LAP 19) (EC:103, EC LAP 23) (EC:104, EC LAP 22) (EC:105, EC LAP 26) (EC:106, EC LAP 21) (EC:107, EC LAP 25)


Acquire knowledge of the impact of government on business activities to make informed economic decisions. (EC:008, EC LAP 16)


Analyze cost/profit relationships to guide business decision making. (EC:013, EC LAP 18)


Understand financial analysis.


Acquire a foundational knowledge of accounting to understand its nature and scope. (FI:085, FI LAP 5)


Acquire a foundational knowledge of finance to understand its nature and scope. (FI:354, FI LAP 7)


Understand marketing and business management.


Understand marketing’s role and function in business to facilitate economic exchanges with customers. (MK:001, MK LAP 4)


Apply knowledge of business ownership to establish and continue business operations. (BL:003, BL LAP 1)


Recognize management’s role to understand its contribution to business success. (SM:001, SM LAP 3)


Understand the role and function of human resources management to obtain a foundational understanding of its nature and scope.  (SUPPLEMENTAL)



Career and Technical Education curricula and 21st Century Skills require students to use many technologies, including the Internet.  The Public Schools of Franklin County has an Internet use policy, and all students must sign the Internet policy prior to beginning any class that uses such technologies.

CTE Exam

The CTE exam is a STATE MANDATED TEST.  Every student will be given this 100 question exam.  No one is exempt.  

Materials Needed

  • One (1) two inch (2”), 3-ring binder with at least five (5) dividers SPECIFICALLY FOR THIS CLASS
  • Pens and pencils
  • A bottle of hand sanitizer
  • Highlighters
  • Box of Markers
  • Flash Drive

Classroom Expectations

  1. Enter the classroom in an orderly manner. BE ON TIME!
  2. Expect to work all period EVERYDAY. A lot of material will be covered in a short amount of time.  Come to class with a positive attitude and an eagerness to learn.  Technological skills are very important in today’s society.  Avoid complaining and accept constructive criticism maturely and quietly.
  3. All assignments must include your name, course title, class period and date.
  4. During announcements and emergency alert signals, stop working and listen to instructions.
  5. All assignments will have a deadline. Please adhere to the date specified.
  6. If you have a question, raise your hand, and I will address you in a timely manner.
  7. NO FOOD OR DRINK SHOULD BE BROUGHT INTO THE COMPUTER LAB. If you have it, keep it on the Student Center.
  8. PLEASE do not talk while I am talking.
  9. Use the computer that is assigned to you.
  10. All cell phones should be turned off and out of sight.
  11. Last, but not least, I dismiss my class NOT the bell. Students are not allowed to stand at the door to wait for the bell.


1.        Verbal warning

2.       Parent contact

3.       Discipline referral


Students will be issued a Google Account in which they will be required to utilize Google Drive to share submitted assignments with me.

Missed Assignments

Assignments, labs and tutorials may be accessed through Canvas anywhere there is an Internet connection.  Independent assessments and projects must be completed under teacher supervision.  Students absent from class for any reason will be expected to obtain and make up missed work.  The student should ask the teacher for handouts, homework, announcements, etc.  See the Student Handbook for rules regarding make-up assignments.

Cell phones/tablets/eReaders/Video Equipment

Occasionally we may have activities that require the use of some of the above-mentioned equipment; in every case possible I will utilize school equipment; however there may be times that students will want to use their own electronic devices.  I WILL ALWAYS SEND HOME A CONSENT FORM FOR THE USE OF PERSONAL ELECTRONIC DEVICES.  Students will not be allowed to use their personal device without you consent AND signature.


This semester I will be utilizing both CAMVAS & PowerSchool in this course.  Students will utilize Canvas to obtain assignments as well as other important information for this course.  Students will login to Canvas daily.  PoverSchool will be used to record ATTENDANCE & GRADES.

Parent Conferences/Progress Reports

Progress reports will be distributed halfway through each nine week grading period, I will request a parent conference if you child’s average is below a C.

Contact Information

You may reach me at 919-496-3725 ext. 260 or by email at

Course Summary:

Date Details Due