English IV Fall 2020/2021

Welcome to English 4 H! I look forward to working with you this semester! If you need to reach me, please use one of the following methods:

Bunn High School
Kim Mitchell
919-496-3975 (ext 310)

As you know, we will begin this school year online. I would much rather have you sitting in my classroom, but I promise to do the best I can to make this time as productive as possible.  Please check in here daily for updates. 


We will meet daily on Google Meet, and those sessions will be posted on Canvas in case you need to review later. You should have received an invitation to join in your school email. Joining info can also be found under the ANNOUNCEMENTS. 


***FYI:  Since we are remote for the first nine weeks, a lot of my material will be found on our class website. You will visit this site often. BOOKMARK IT NOW for convenience. 
Mitchell's English 4 Class Website 

Course Summary:

Date Details Due