Course Syllabus



The English II EOC final exam will be on Friday May 28, 2021 at 8:45am. Please fill out this form if you need bus transportation. Here are the room assignments:

  • 1st period: Alston - Medina Keith, room 12
  • 1st period: Medina Garcia - Williams, room 103
  • 4th period: Ayscue - Johnson, room 120
  • 4th period: Little - Webb, Media Center

ActivelyLearn codes:
1st period: bpcpu
4th period: pcpeo


Welcome students and parents! We will be using this CANVAS page quite frequently in English II (Side note: Many colleges are now using CANVAS as well). Please familiarize yourself with its tools and sections. A daily announcement will be posted that will provide the day's agenda. Please use the "Announcements" tab to look up missing work and directions, complete work from an absence, and find upcoming dates for quizzes and tests. All work done online will be organized in the "Modules" tab. Additional details about the course (outline, standards and skills, rules and expectations, progress report dates, etc.) can be found in the complete English II syllabus.


Course Summary:

Date Details Due