Course Syllabus

Spanish 1

4th Block 

Ms. Mesías-Bynog

Instructor: Ms.  Mesías-Bynog 

Email:  *Preferred contact method

School Contact: (919) 496-3975 Ext. 294

Virtual Office hours: 2:30 pm - 3:00 pm via School email; students can access links for these hours from either Gmail or their Google Classroom. Please remember that students who opt-out of recorded synchronous lessons can communicate with teacher during asynchronous time  

As part of the virtual learning environment, students may be asked to use the following third party digital tools. The following is a list of the major ones used:

  1. Google Meets and recordings (information on top of page)
  2. Studyspanish (registration required)
  3. Conjuguemos
  4. Edpuzzle (registration to GC needed)
  5. QUIZLET (registration to GC needed)
  6. QUIZZIZ (registration to GC needed)
  8. Hellosmart
  9. Nearpod
  10. Gsuite

If you do not wish for your student to use these tools, please complete THIS FORM and email it to me.

Students will access course information by going to Google Classroom (Google classroom code found in Announcements).  Students will need their FCS google account username and password for access.  If you have questions about the student login, please email me.

PARENTS:  To Request to be a Google Classroom Guardian, please contact your student(s)' teacher(s) via email.  What will parents view as a Guardian?  Google Classroom Guide for Parents

Need support for student device or account?  Please email



online/remote information

Students are expected to do ALL work. It is NOT optional.

All my students need to register Google classroom. Assignments are posted and submitted through Google classroom (unless otherwise noted). CANVAS will be used.

Assignments contain instructions and links to needed sites. This format allows students to go to a specific site. When a student needs to log-in (which is important for scorekeeping purposes) the assignment will remind them to do so. Remember, this is an online format and is needed for this time.

Even students who do not have internet access or limited access, are required to complete ALL their work. WIFI locations are available throughout the district. A student can reach any of the sites (please practice safe distancing and stay in your car) download their material, work offline at home, save their work and then go back to the WIFI site and upload ALL their work.

It is the student’s responsibility to complete ALL assignments on time and turn them in.


Se espera que los estudiantes hagan TODO el trabajo. NO es opcional.

Todos los alumnos tienen que registrase a GOOGLE CLASSROOM. Las tareas escolares se publican y se envían a través de GOOGLE CLASSROOM (a menos que se indique lo contrario) Las asignaciones contienen instrucciones y enlaces a los sitios necesarios. Este formato permite a los alumnos ir al sitio específico. Cuando un alumno necesita LOG-IN (lo cual es importante para los propósitos de mantenimiento de puntuaciones), la tarea le recordará hacerlo. Recuerde, este es un formato en línea y es necesario para este tiempo.  Incluso los estudiantes que no tienen acceso a Internet, o acceso limitado, están obligados a completar TODO su trabajo.

Lugares de WIFI gratis, están disponibles por todo el distrito. Un estudiante puede llegar a cualquiera de estos sitios (por favor practique el distanciamiento seguro y permanezca en su coche) descargar su material, trabajar fuera de línea (OFFLINE) en casa, guardar su trabajo y luego volver al sitio WIFI y subir TODO su trabajo.

Es la responsabilidad del estudiante completar y entregar TODO su trabajo.

What if you do not have internet or reliable internet. Here are other options:

  • download your document and work on it at home. Please click here offline option
  • turn off your video/camera when doing synchronous learning (meaning, meeting with the teacher)
  • join the lesson via phone. Yes, this option is available.

Forms for OPT-OUT

from synchronous recorded lessons. MUST FILL if you do not want your student to be recorded. This does not take away the responsibility of the student to complete ALL school work.

Online school schedule

Hints for successful remote learning

Course Description:

In this class you will learn:

  • Lots of vocabulary and grammar. (Grammar is important as it will help you and guide you on how to apply that vocabulary to daily living.)
  • Daily living activities such as:
    • Talk about activities
    • Say what you like and do not like to do
    • Describe people
    • School: activities, time, schedules, classes
    • Family activities: food, members, tell age, house places, party
    • Shopping: stores, clothing, colors, places around time
    • Sports: body parts, sports equipment
  • You will also be introduced to several Spanish countries and their culture.


Attendance: Please refer to the district guidelines for attendance during RL. A very nice Powerpoint (slide 3) can be found in the district website


Tardy Policy: Students are expected to be in the classroom at the scheduled school time. This means logged in. Please start logging in 5 min prior to. I will wait 5 min after the time. This is in consideration for WIFI and internet connection. Consequences for tardy- complete your work on your own.


Grading Policy: FCS Grading Policy: A = 90 to 100, B = 80 to 89, C = 70 to 79, D = 60 to 69, F = Less than 60. The final course grade will be calculated by averaging each of the student’s nine weeks grades (at 40% weight each) and Final Exam grade (at 20% weight). Final letter grades will be assigned based upon the resulting average and using the scale above.


Grade Distribution for my class:

  • 10% homework
  • 10% engagement
  • 20% classwork
  • 20% Quizzes
  • 40% Unit Tests/Projects


Make-up Work: 

  • Students are allowed two school days to make-up any missed assignment for every one day they are absent. After the two-day period has passed, any missing assignments become late work. (See the late work policy) 
  • Quizzes need to be made up prior to the end of the current unit. Students have until the next scheduled test to make up a missed test. A score of “1” will indicate that the student was not present the day the assignment was due or was not present the day the assignment was given. It is extremely important that a student makes-up any Quiz/Test immediately. This is especially true if the student was absent on the day of the Quiz/Test.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to visit Google classroom. There is a folder labeled “Weekly Classwork + the school week”. I will not accept late classwork


Classroom Expectations:

1) Be prompt – be on time, this means logged-in and ready to start. There are no bells and I will follow the district assigned Chromebooks clock 

2) Be polite – and courteous to your peers and instructors, follow online etiquette.

3) Be productive – use your class time wisely and to its fullest potential. Pay attention when synchronous instruction is taking place. Ask questions following online procedures, be proactive. (This is called "engagement")

4) Be prepared – Chromebook charged, assignments and knowledge (review every day on your own and at home)

5) Be patient – with technology and yourself. Everyone can have a bad technology day. Give yourself a break and do not forget to be kind to others (including your teacher)


Student work expectations: 


  • There will be plenty of work to be completed in a timely manner. District has divided RL into synchronous and asynchronous learning time. Honor them.
  • Some work will be done online. (Asynchronous learning)
    • These activities will automatically collect scores 
    • Some will require to log in so scores go to the teacher (i.e. studyspanish, google forms and others)
    • Some will require the student to send a report to the teacher (@hometutor). The teacher will make sure to remind students to send a copy of the report to themselves as a back-up
    • Some activities offer the ability to repeat for a better grade. However; once grades are in POWERSCHOOL, the grade will not change
  • There will be some projects. For such a time, grades will be posted when the project is completed or presented
    • Speaking projects carry a grade, they will be in Spanish
    • There will be projects which require the student to speak in Spanish in front of the class. 
  • Students are expected to participate in class (This grading goes into the engagement part) 




  • Students will need to access and complete their HW through QUIZLET.
  • Every student must register through the appropriate link in GC.
  • They must also follow instructions on how to set up their USERNAME as QUIZLET will collect their grades. This grade will be put into POWERSCHOOL.
  • All HW must be completed by Friday (of the same school week) at midnight.
  • The deadline for HW will be strictly enforced. Students should not have any problems if they complete their HW daily and on time. 


Late Work Policy: 

  • There is a 10% penalty, per day, for any late work
  • I will not accept ANY late work after Friday of the same week


Extra credit:

There are no extra credit assignments in this class. Students need to complete ALL their work on time.


Credit recovery:

If a student scores lower than a 70 of a unit test, the student will have ONE opportunity per semester to re-take that unit test for a grade of no more than a “C”. This retake will have to be rescheduled with the teacher and before the next unit test. 


PowerSchool: Students and Parents/Guardians: PowerSchool is a Franklin County Public School’s online site for receiving current, up-to-date information about your student’s progress in all four of their classes. Students and parents/guardians are able to view progress reports and track their performance throughout the semester. You never have to wait to receive grade information.


School Messenger: Class information, work, due dates, etc can be found through Google classroom. Parents, please update your contact information in the system. Thanks.


CANVAS: This option will be used for class information only.


Extra-Help Opportunities: If your student is struggling, after working and knowing their vocabulary 100%, working diligently in class and outside of class, has exhausted all online help and remediation time, please set-up school time (conference time) for additional help. During RL specific time has been set up in order for the student to receive one-on-one help. Student needs to contact the teacher to set this up.

The following link is for information for when we return to an onsite school location.

Live class information

Course Summary:

Date Details Due