Course Syllabus

Horticulture I Course Syllabus

Instructor: Ms. Taylor Edwards, Room 312

    Email:          BHS Phone: 919-496-3975 ext. 354

Office Hours: By appointment only 

Horticulture I: is an introductory course in the broad field of horticulture. The purpose of this course is to introduce students to fundamental principles and skills in these areas. Supervised agricultural experience programs and FFA leadership activities are integral components of the course and provide many opportunities for practical application of instructional competencies. 




       Weekly                        9 Week Grade Calculation  




Formative assessments allow the teacher to see where the student is as we are learning the lesson. Ex. Worksheets, Projects, Games, Discussions etc.

1               Summative    


Summative assessments are when students have to recount information that was learned during a section of learning. Ex. Tests, Quizzes, Papers etc. 

Total Grade  


Students will receive four formative assignments and one summative assignment a week. 


Students will also be asked to complete a semester-long project called an SAE project and they will have more information on it as the semester progresses.

Classroom ExpectationsSuperior behavior is necessary to maintain Safety, so . . .  


  • Be on time.
  • Be Prepared.
  • Be Respectful, this applies to everyone and their materials 
  • Be Part of the Team. 
  • No profanity 
  • Follow Directions 
  • If/When we go in class expectations will be changed and/or modified


Required Materials


  • Pencils/Pens  
  • Notebook Paper    
  • Chromebook (Charged) 

Attendance: During the virtual learning time students have two options to be counted present for a school day. The best way is to attend the Google meet for the class. The second way is to turn in an assignment. Failure to do these things will result in an absence for that day. 


Assignments:  Students need to complete all assignments on time. Late work will be penalized!

You will receive an assignment that will be due everyday at 11:59 pm. This will count for your attendance and your daily assignment. All assignments for every week will have a final "late due date" of Sunday at 11:59pm. BHS has started a school-wide late policy

  • Assignments that are turned in after 11:59 pm on the due date will be considered LATE and recorded in PowerSchool. 
  • Students that turn in a completed assignment after the initial due date will receive a 5 point deduction per day for the first five days. (Example: 5 points - 1 day late, 10 points - 2 days late, 25 points - 5 days late).
  • If the assignment is more than five days late, a score of ZERO will stand for the assignment.

All grades will be given based on a 10-point scale:   

A = 100-90      B = 89-80      C = 79-70      D = 69-60       

Class Procedures:

  1. Daily Check-In At the start of class everyday we will check in with everyone and more than likely review the day before.
  2. During the lecture period, it is asked that you take notes so that you can refer to them later
  3. Independent assignments will be explained during the meeting then you will be free to work on them. I will stay in the meeting in case you need help getting started or have any questions. 
  4. Discussions may be added as part of your assignments,  instructions will be added for you to know exactly how to proceed. Make sure you conduct yourself in a respectful manner.
  5. Quizzes and Tests will be given once a week; they will be assigned every Friday during your independent work time. You will have from Friday until the following Monday until the start of your class time to complete your quiz or test. 
  6. Virtual only works if you are willing to work and communicate so please be willing to be flexible and also to participate not only in the class time but also if you have any concerns or problems. 


Office Hour: I am available for office hours by appointment only please email me to set up a time.


FFA Participation: Students in Agriculture Education have the opportunity to participate in the agriculture-based leadership club called FFA. FFA is a national organization that strives to promote career success, leadership, and personal growth. If a student chooses to become involved in the organization there are dues of $20 dollars annually (includes a T-shirt). While not in the building we will meet virtually, if/when we resume school, we will hopefully be able to meet in person. If you are interested in joining please contact me. 


Even though you are at home please understand that all rules still apply. You will need to dress and act appropriately as well and stay focused while instruction is going on. You will be expected to follow all rules with technology and digital citizenship set forth by the county and school.




Now called NCedCloud Login/Powerschool under “Quick Links” on the FCS webpage.  The Home Base Powerschool Parent Portal provides parents with access to their student's schedule, classroom assignments, grades, attendance, demographic data and more.  The student and parent portals will be accessible to all students and parents with Internet access.  If you need assistance, please contact Marie Salter, ext. 224.


Bunn High School Plan B Schedule


Direct Instruction

(Live instruction with teacher. Prioritizes relationship building, opportunities for interacting with peers and new learning, and personalized support.)

Independent Work

(Recorded instruction by your child’s teacher or FCS specialists, Assigned activities (either digital or hands-on) to build skills or knowledge or practice and reinforce learning. Reading (assigned and personal choice reading)


Arrival and class Change 


1st Period 


Class Change


2nd Period


Class Change


3rd Period (Planning) 


Class Change


4th Period