Course Syllabus

Welcome to YES Exceptionally AWESOME Children :) 

I'm Mrs. Green, the K-3 EC teacher at Youngsville. I am here to support you however I can! My email address is

For remote learning I will be serving my students through Zoom. I have invited all of my parents to Class Dojo, so please join. I will use this as my platform for communication and be sending Zoom invites, service times and other information through this so please check this often. If I cannot reach you on Class Dojo, I will be sending emails. Please check your email as well! 

Here is my Symbaloo page that will have all of the links you will need to access the websites and other tools we will be using for remote learning: I HIGHLY encourage you to set this as a bookmark on your child's computer for them to access during our sessions. We will be using websites (seesaw, classdojo, peardeck etc.) from this frequently, so this will have all of the websites your student needs. I also suggest that passwords I send for these accounts are saved to the computer as well so students can automatically be logged in during our sessions.

Most importantly- BREATHE! Take care of yourself and your family. Your well-being is most important!

Please email me if you have any questions or concerns!

Course Summary:

Date Details Due