American History I - Spring 2020 - Mr. Taylor

Course Syllabus: American History I

Instructor: Mr. Taylor -- Room: 119 – Periods: 4 (Academic)



The history of the United States contains a mixture of struggles and triumphs that have created a unique population of people. Several key issues, important events, and select individuals will be discussed throughout the course. Students will study, analyze, and formulate hypotheses on most topics covered during class through daily activities including in-class discussion, document analysis, group projects, review sessions, and reading/writing assignments. Connections of course material with modern day events will give the students the opportunity to understand the world in which they live. A solid knowledge of United States history can prepare the students to make informed decisions in the near future and shape the nation for future generations.

Outline of Content:

  • Creating a Nation (Beginnings to 1816)

Topics Covered: Colonization, The American Revolution, Creating the Constitution

  • The Young Republic (1789-1850)

Topics Covered: Federalists and Republicans, Growth and Division, Reform Movements, Manifest Destiny

  • The Crisis of Union (1848-1877)

Topics Covered: Sectional Conflict, Antebellum America, The Civil War, Reconstruction

  • Birth of Modern America (1865-1900)

Topics Covered: Settling the West, Industrialization, Urban America

Required Materials:


Notebook Paper 

Writing Utensils

1-2 inch 3-Ring Binder with tab dividers (containing ALL previous handouts, notes, etc.)

Current projects/classwork, etc.

Homework (weekly reviews, ongoing class assignments, etc.)

Grading Policy:

Type of Assignment                                                                Total Possible Points

Unit Tests/Major Assessments                                               45% (Academic)

Quizzes/Minor Assessments                                                   30% (Academic)

Class Activities/Homework                                                     20% (Academic)

Remediation Work                                                                   5% per quarter                                                                                            

Unit tests will be cumulative and include questions from all previous units. Each type of project and minor classwork along with their point value will be explained further in-class through any necessary rubrics or handouts. Most graded assignments will be kept by the teacher for future grading and conference purposes.

Grading Policy: FCS Grading Policy: A = 90 to 100, B = 80 to 89, C = 70 to 79, D = 60 to 69, F = Less than 60. The final course grade will be calculated by averaging each of the student’s nine weeks’ grades (at 40% weight each) and Final Exam grade (at 20% weight). Final letter grades will be assigned based upon the resulting average and using the scale above.

Make-Up and Extra Credit Work:

Students are allowed two school days to make-up any missed assignment for every one day they are absent. After the two-day period has passed, any missing assignments become late work. Students have until the next scheduled test to make up a missed test. A score of “1” will indicate that the student was either not present the day the assignment was due or was not present the day the assignment was given. It is the student’s responsibility to visit the course Canvas page and get the assignments they’ve missed. Extra credit work will only be given to students who have completed ALL assignments up to the current point in a grading period.


When homework (weekly summaries, projects, etc.) is assigned it will be completed and returned on the due date announced in class. Late homework will receive a deduction in points each day it is late.

Attendance and Tardy Policy:

Students who miss TEN or more days of this period are in violation of the FCS Attendance Policy and may be required to repeat the course. The following is our new SCHOOL WIDE POLICY: Students are expected to be in the classroom (passed the door frame) when the bell begins to ring. Consequences for being tardy are outlined in the BHS Student Code of Conduct.


The use of technology and electronic devices for classroom purposes (research, project development, etc.) will be utilized frequently throughout the school year. However, students are not to use their devices without teacher permission to limit distractions in the class. If inappropriate usage (social media, YouTube, etc.) of this technology is witnessed disciplinary action will be taken as stated in the student handbook. Lastly, updates on classroom information and posted assignments will be posted on my CANVAS page regularly.

Behavioral Guidelines:

As young adults every student is expected to act in a mature manner. Inappropriate behavior of any kind will not be tolerated. The following behavioral guidelines are expected in this class at all times:

Respect others as well as yourself

Listen and don’t talk when others are speaking

Raise your hand when you need to be called upon

Only one student at a time out of the class to go to the restroom, office, etc. with a signed pass.

No inappropriate language at any time, especially directed toward others

Contact Information:

Please feel free to contact me at any time if you have any questions, comments, or concerns about your child’s performance in my class. I can be reached by the following:

Work Phone: 919-496-3975 (office number)

E-mail: (preferred)

Final Note:

It is up to both the teacher and every student to make the best out of what this course has to offer. If all goes well each and every student can, and will, succeed in this class. There is no excuse for failure. If at any time individual attention is required for a student please arrange a meeting with me outside of class for any possible help. I am privileged to be teaching this course and working with every student to help them achieve their full potential.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due