World History - S2

travel world GIF

Syllabus Link HERE

Ms. Smith 

World History 

Spring 2020 

School Phone Number: 919-496-3975 (ext. 299) 

Calls and Meeting Hours: 1:23 –3:30 pm 

The desired outcome of this World History course is to help students develop relevant enduring understandings of current world issues and relate them to their historical, political, economic, geographical and cultural contexts. As students examine the historical roots of significant events, ideas, movements, and phenomena, they encounter the contributions and patterns of civilizations of the past and societies around the world. Students taking this course will broaden their historical perspectives.


Student Expectations:

  • Prompt: Be on time. Come into the classroom, gather your materials, take your seat, and begin your work. 
  • Polite: Be nice or neutral to everyone. Bullying will NOT be tolerated. Please listen when others are speaking.
  • Prepared: Come to class ready to learn. Bring something to write with and a positive attitude.
  •  Patient: Great things take time. 
  • Productive: Use your time wisely. Listen to and follow directions. No Cellphones.



Progress Reports:  

  • Every 3 weeks Report Cards: 
  • Every 9 weeks. 

Materials Needed: 

Composition Notebook* 

Pencils and Pens*

Colored Pencils*



One bottle of hand sanitizer 


One pair of adult sized Scissors* 

Charged Chromebook!*




A: 100-90 

B: 89-90 C:79-70

D: 69-60 F: 59 and below 

40%Tests & Projects 

40% Classwork 

20% quizzes



Traditional homework is not regularly assigned. However, if you do not use your time wisely, incomplete class work must be finished at home. I also expect you to spend 15 minutes everyday studying your notes and vocabulary. 



Grades will be awarded no later than 5 school days after the assignment is submitted with exceptions for Projects. If you have a question about your grade. You need to see me immediately so that we can take care of any mistakes. To Err is Human. All Late work receives half credit, except with a valid excuse.


Plagiarism and Retest 

Plagiarism, copying the thoughts, ideas, words, or other intellectual property of another, is a serious offense. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. All assignments that are plagiarized will be given a zero with no opportunity to resubmit the assignment. 

Students that receive a failing grade on a test will be allowed to complete test corrections using the textbook or their notes for a grade no higher than 75. You must schedule a time that is acceptable to you and myself. You have a week after the Test grade has been updated to schedule test corrections.


Bathroom Policy 

Each class will have 3 Bathroom sheets. One Green, yellow and Red. Once your class has used all three sheets, all bathroom privileges are withheld (Except for medical conditions verified by a doctor and obvious emergencies). You may Not use the Restroom during Notes or any instructional time. 



The attendance policy requires all students to miss no more than 5 class meetings per course.

School Wide Tardy Policy: Students are expected to be in the classroom (pass the door frame)when the bell begins to ring. There are zero exceptions to this. Consequences for being tardy are outlined in the BHS Student code of conduct all absences will be handled according to the handbook policy. Upon your return, you will be afforded two days per excused absence to complete your missing work. Visit the missing work station to consult the calendar and retrieve handouts. If you missed a test you have a week to schedule a time to take it. Late work will not be accepted without an excused and legal absence document. A list of legal absences can be found in your student handbook 

Course Summary:

Date Details Due