Course Syllabus

Library books will be collected on June 4th and June 8th at BMS. More info will be provided later. 


Information about work while school is out:

March 16-27- Click Modules on the left side of this page to find all of the work for the first 2 weeks

March 30-April 3- Spring break- no work assigned

April 6-17- Use this link to find all of the work for these 2 weeks.

April 20-May 1- Use this link to find all of the work for these 2 weeks.

May 4-May 15- Students may use this link to find all of the work for these 2 weeks. Parents may use this link to find the packet that was distributed on 5/1.

May 18-June 3- Students may use this link to find all of the work for these weeks. Parents may use this link to find the packet that was distributed on 5/15.

BMS 7th Grade Math

Hunter Goodwin

Contact information:

Virtual Office hours: 8am-4pm  via Email; students can access links for these hours from either Gmail (Grades 6-12) or their Google Calendar (Grades K-12) sent from their teacher(s).  Paper packets for K-8 students that were distributed for May 18-June 3 can be found HERE.

Students will access course information by clicking on Modules or the links above Students will need their student number and password for NCEdcloud,

PARENTS:  Use the following directions to create a Canvas Observer Account

  • Have your student(s) Generate a Pairing Code (this will be different for each student).
  • Go to (bookmark this site so that you can easily access your Observer dashboard for your student(s).
  • Click on Parent of a Canvas User? in the upper right-hand corner of the window.
  • Complete the required information in the window, which will include inputting the student Pairing Code. Multiple students can be added.
  • Go to the Dashboard to see your student(s)' courses.
  • Parents can sign into this account to easily access their student's courses within Canvas.
  • What can parents view as an Observer?


Bunn Middle School

Seventh Grade Math

Mr. Hunter Goodwin

Chromebook Information

Online Textbook


Contact Information:


Phone: (919) 496-7700 ext. 305

Planning Period: 9:15-10:20

Course Information: Welcome to Seventh Grade! I am excited to be your math teacher this year. This is my third year at Bunn Middle. Prior to coming to Bunn, I worked at an elementary school in Wake County. I have a degree from NC State. Seventh grade math builds upon the foundation laid in Elementary School. Units of study will include the number system, expressions, equations, and inequalities, proportional reasoning, percents, geometry, data analysis, and probability.

Required Supplies: Students are required to be prepared daily. Students are encouraged to find an organizational system that works for them. Handouts and notes need to be easily accessible at all times. A detailed supply list was distributed at open house, and is available on Canvas, or can be given out upon request. Students are required to have pencils, paper, their notebook, and charged Chromebook every day.

Attendance: Please consult the student handbook for details on attendance. When students are absent, for any reason, they are responsible for assignments and information missed. Students should get notes from a classmate and see me during Homeroom for any assignments. Some assignments may need to be made up during an exploratory period. All assignments and classwork is posted on Canvas. Students who are absent should make every effort to consult Canvas to stay caught up with their work. Students will have 2 days for each day they were absent to turn in missing work.

Students will be marked Tardy if they are not in their seat at the time that class starts or are not back from restroom/locker/lunch breaks in the allotted amount of time. Consequences for tardiness will follow the consequences outlined below. This refers to unexcused tardiness to class- not tardiness to school.

Communication: Students should read their Canvas Announcement and check the Canvas course calendar daily. Grades will be updated in PowerSchool frequently. Parents can expect an update via email every 1-2 weeks. I am happy to answer questions from parents or students. The best way to contact me is via email. Please allow 1 school day for a response.

Behavior Expectations: In addition to the school and district rules outlined in the student handbook, I have the following rules for my class:

  1. Respect yourself and your education: Come to class prepared every day, complete all assignments, follow directions, do your homework, study, ask questions, try your best, use the restroom during restroom breaks, and take ownership of your own learning. Do your own work.
  2. Respect your classmates and your teacher: Show respect for everyone, treat others how you want to be treated, use appropriate language, respect your classmates’ right to an education and your teacher’s right to teach. Stay in your seat, raise your hand and be recognized before speaking, and talk at an appropriate volume at appropriate times. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
  3. Respect the classroom and school property: Treat school property as if it were your own, keep your work area neat and clean. Pick up trash around your desk at the end of class. No food or drink is allowed in class (except for bottled water). Do not vandalize school property.


  1. Verbal warning or redirection
  2. Parent contact and written warning (minor referral sent home)
  3. Parent contact and consequence such as silent lunch (minor referral sent home)
  4. Request for parent conference and additional consequence (silent lunch, student sent to another room, seat moved, loss of privilege, etc.) and minor referral sent home.
  5. Office referral - Major offenses such as physical or verbal aggression, horseplay, disrespect, or fighting will warrant an automatic office referral.

Grading and Academic Expectations: 

  • Grade Weights:
    • Formative Grades (classwork, homework): 40%
    • Summative Grades (Quizzes, tests, projects) 60%
  • Grade Scale:
    • A: 90-100, B: 80-89, C: 70-79, D: 60-69, F: 0-59
  • Students are expected to take ownership of their own learning. Students should spend at least 30 minutes a night studying notes and practicing, even if no homework is assigned. 
  • Students can expect several formative grades and 1-2 summative grades each week. 

Course Format:

  • When students enter the classroom, they should immediately prepare for class by ensuring they have all required materials and at least 3 sharpened pencils. Students should then take their assigned seat and read the board.
  • Students should take advantage of time at the beginning of the period to read their Canvas announcement and check the Canvas calendar. Students will have a graded warm-up assignment to be completed as well. Students will be given the first 10 minutes of class to complete the warm-up. 
  • Once students are settled and done with the warm-up, I will take questions from the previous days warm-up and homework or classwork from the previous day.
  • Students will be given step-by-step notes for each topic and we will do several examples. Students will then be given practice problems to work on independently or with a partner. 
  • Students can expect to have 1-2 summative grades (quizzes/tests) every week.

Late Work/Missing Work/Incomplete Work/Retakes

  • Late work or missing work will be accepted up until 1 week before the end of the quarter. There is no deduction for late work.
  • Missing Work will receive a grade of 1%. Please look at the “Percent” column in power school. Any grade of 1% is missing.
  • Incomplete work will be treated as missing work. Students often make the mistake of not “submitting” assignments on Canvas or Schoolnet. Work that is not submitted cannot be graded. Assignments submitted with no work shown will be considered incomplete.
  • Work submitted with no name will not be graded and thus treated as missing.
  • Students will generally have two submissions for graded classwork and warm-ups. Retakes may occasionally be allowed for quizzes and tests when scores are very low among all classes. Do not count on retakes. 
  • There will not be any curves or extra credit.

Tips for Success:

  • Take ownership of your learning and progress. Spend 30 minutes every night reviewing your notes, re-working the examples from class, and completing additional practice problems. Additional practice problems can be found in class handouts, on Canvas, and on sites like IXL. Ask questions if you are confused. This class is fast paced- we have a lot of material to cover in a short amount of time. If you are ever lost or confused, get help quick.
  • I am happy to help students who help themselves. I will be happy to work with students during an exploratory period, during lunch, or during homeroom- just ask.
  • Do your work- Math is not a spectator sport. You will not be successful by just watching me. Just like playing an instrument or a sport- you must practice in order to get better.

Course Assignments and Calendar: Please check Canvas regularly for an updated calendar and assignments.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due