Course Syllabus



This is Mr. Elliott's video to help you upload your work !! 

4/10/2020  Review Assignments will be closing Tuesday 4/14 Get them done soon - everyone need to attempt all problems

3/27/2020  Modules are ready - Submit Assignments there  


Review #6 has been corrected - see canvas pages under review section

This is how I have been uploading photos so you can try this when you get ready - my screen doesn't look like yours but these are my best instructions
1.  Take a picture of your work for review #1  - do these one at a time

2. Send it to your Franklin County email

3. Download it - write down the number of the image so you are sure to place the correct review in the correct place

4. Go to Modules and find the place to submit/upload a file

5. Choose a file - will be your photo check the number (I would like to see a photo of your pet - just not here - pick the correct number :))

6.Click open and upload a file
That is what I do - Try it and see if that works for you.



Hey Students,  Please do your best during these strange days,  but do not stress.  Under 'pages' you will find the review packet the school ask that the math 3 teachers to put out for you.

Please organize your stuff, so when we return you will have what you attempted ready to turn in - take time to organize today - do things like: label paper with the name of lesson, write the problem before working it, number the pages in order 1, 2, 3, 4 etc, keep your math separate from other subjects, and place your name on each sheet.

You will also find our next unit with additional videos/lessons and assignments worked out.  If you choose to continue learning please use these resources.  Stay safe and make good choices everyday!


Welcome to Math 3 at Bunn High School! 

Assignment are found under PAGES.

(For 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students)

Teacher: Armenia Davis

  • Email address:
  • Phone number:  919-496-3975 ext. 319


If your student is having problems with a certain topic, there are several ways to find help.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me.


 The Opening Day Syllabus Spring 2020   - Math 3  follows


Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s) and Students,


Welcome !, I’m very excited you are in my Math 3 class.  Each of you will do wonderful, learn lots, and be successful.

Math 3 is a state-mandated course for graduation with an EOC, so attendance is crucial.  We will build on student’s knowledge from Math 1 and 2.  The units covered include an analysis of functions including absolute value, piecewise, polynomial, and rational functions; geometry with an emphasis on circles, triangles and parallelograms; and statistics.  Our daily course lessons and assignments can be found on CANVAS.


. Expectations:  I expect each student to:

  • Be Respectful!
  • Be on Time!
  • Be Prepared!
  • Be Focused!
  • Be Positive!


 General Structure:  Homework is handed in at the beginning of class and the warm-up is completed.   After the warm-up we will have our lesson – with notes, practice, and activities.  When you have a question, do not call out, wait to be recognized. – Participation is a MUST !!   Homework is found on CANVAS.

Homework is not excepted late and is assigned daily Monday - Thursday  (sometimes on Friday)

Students must show work on all assignments and it must be in pencil.


Policies:  CHEATING will NOT be allowed, both giver and taker will receive zeros.  You may help a classmate by explaining how to work a problem.  You are never to have another’s paper in your possession or send pictures via phone.  TARDY: Students are expected to be in the classroom (passed the door frame) when the bell begins to ring. Consequences for being tardy are outlined in the BHS Student Code of Conduct.

ALL school policies are in effect at ALL times in this classroom, including use of cell phones.  Please make sure that you and your parents read the BHS Student Code of Conduct in the student handbook carefully.


Grading Policy:        50% -Tests/Projects

                                           30% - Quizzes; 

                                           20% - Classwork/Homework Assignments

Help is given daily in class, during remediation and additional help sessions can be scheduled – see me.   


Materials needed:  A 3-ring binder, loose-leaf paper, graph paper, pencils, erasers, graphing calculator (TI-84 or TI-83 family); and a good attitude.  NOTE YOU may use a spiral notebook for notes, but still need loose-leaf paper for class work.   Books are available to be checked out!


Absences: First BE HERE if at all possible!  All make-up work is the student’s responsibility.  Class lessons and assignments are found on CANVAS and notes should be obtained from a classmate.  Ask me before or after the bell for any needed work missed. School policy for each day absent you get 2 days to make up.


Consequences for Choosing to Disrupt the Learning Environment: Redirect/Refocus, student/teacher conference, parent call, office referral.  – We are all here to learn – Let’s work together to make it happen!


PowerSchool: Students and Parents/Guardians: PowerSchool is Franklin County Public School’s online site for receiving current, up-to-date information about your student’s progress in all four of their classes. Students and parents/guardians are able to view progress reports and track their performance throughout the semester. You never have to wait to receive grade information again!

Notifications:  We are all using “FindOutFirst” for emails and texts – Please! Please! Please! sign up to receive text on your phone.  Parents make sure you email and phone numbers are up to date in the school office.


I am looking forward to a great semester!  It will be my pleasure to work with you and your student.  If you need to contact me for any reason, please do not hesitate to send an email,    Please make sure that you and your student sign and return the attached form to confirm that you have read this letter and understand the expectations for this course.


Mrs. Davis


Course Summary:

Date Details Due