Course Syllabus

Earth/Environmental Science Honors 

Bunn High School

Mrs. Melissa Gupton – Room

Image result for earth science pictures


Virtual Hours

I am available by email Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm

There are 2 Earth/Environmental meet times on google hangout meet:

Tuesdays at 11:00 am 

Thursdays at 2:00 pm 


Below are expectations and information essential for a successful semester.

Course Description: In this course we will focus on the four spheres of the Earth: The lithosphere, the hydrosphere, the atmosphere, and the biosphere. We will also look at how Earth’s position in space affects processes on Earth. Throughout this course is an environmental theme where we will examine the impact the human population has on the Earth.

Grades: The class grading will consist of 25% classwork/homework, 25% quizzes/labs, 50% tests/projects

Supplies: Class requirements will be a 3 ring binder, college ruled paper, dividers, blue or black ink pens only, pencils, and charged chromebook

Tutoring: I will be available for tutoring upon request. Contact me to arrange tutoring.

Behavior: In my classroom the student handbook rules apply. The handbook can be found on the school’s website. I incorporate practices that tie into skills and behaviors needed in college and the work place.

Be on time to class- time management is a skill utilized in the classroom as well as a skill required in everyday life. If it can be put into practice now the class will run smoother and it will be a lifelong necessity that will be easier to achieve.

Be respectful: Respect others, respect yourselves, respect your work, and respect the rules.

No food is allowed in the classroom.

Bring chromebooks to class and have them charged

NO CHEATING: I have a zero tolerance cheating policy. If you are caught cheating you will receive a zero on whatever assignment it is. If you are caught facilitating cheating you will receive a zero on whatever assignment it is. Do not cheat. Do your own work.

Make up work: If you are absent it is YOUR responsibility to see me to obtain your make up work. You are allowed 2 days for every one day that you are absent. Make up work is not to be done during class. You are to complete make up work on your own time.

Late Work: I do not accept late work. Turn it in on time.

No Name No Grade

Homework: Homework is due at the start of class on the date that it is due.

Do not sleep in class. If you sleep through an assignment in my class you will not be allowed to make it up.  

Sit in your assigned seat

Do not pack up belongings before the bell rings

Do not line up at the door before the bell rings

No book bags or purses on your desk during class

Do not write on the desks or any other object not belonging to you.

Inappropriate talking is not allowed:

Do not talk during tests or quizzes. Talking is cheating and this will result in a zero on the test or quiz.

Inappropriate language will result in disciplinary action

Do not talk while I am talking. If you cannot hear what I am saying you cannot hear what I am teaching or assigning.


I am here to help in any way I can. Let’s have a great semester!!

~~ Mrs. Melissa Gupton, Science Teacher