Carpentry I - IC212X0 - S2 - Curtis - 2(A)

This is an introductory class in carpentry, designed to give an overview of the various components of residential construction and and building techniques used throughout the country. The course is intended for students who are interested in the many rewarding careers in the construction industry. These students should possess characteristics such as dedication to hard work, pride in a job well done, and an overall good work ethic and also the ability to be productive alone, and also while working with others toward a common goal.

Students will learn about and use basic hand tools and power tools with much emphasis on maintenance and safe operation of these tools. They will learn about standard lumber, engineered lumber, nails, fasteners, sheathing materials and various other building materials that are utilized in the construction industry.  Carpentry students will also gain a better understanding of math practices that are commonly used in the construction industry.

Students will also learn framing techniques. they will learn to frame floors, walls, ceilings and will also learn about the various types of roof framing that are used in today's construction industry. In addition to this, the students will gain general knowledge regarding the reading and interpretation of blueprints, building codes, and safety regulations..

Methods of instruction in this course will include: class lecture, demonstrations, hands-on practice, class discussion and videos. Daily attendance and classroom participation are required and are extremely important for the successful completion of this course. Students are expected to complete all assigned work, and it is the students responsibility to ask the instructor for any work that was missed in the event of an absence, and submit this work as instructed. 

Course objectives: 

At the end of this course the students will be able to:

  1. Identify and properly use all the tools that are utilized by a Carpenter during the construction of a house.
  2. Identify and correctly install many different materials used in the construction industry.
  3. Read and understand a set of blueprints, the building code manual and OSHA rules and regulations.
  4. Construct many different parts that are involved in home construction.
  5. Perform work in an efficient and safe manner.
  6. Be a productive member of today's society.


Grading:  Classwork, assignments and class participation-----50%

                      Tests and Projects ----------------------------------------50%


Attendance: Daily attendance is mandatory. Absences will be excused only per student handbook. An unexcused absence will result in a grade of zero for that days assignment. 

Class preparation: Have all work that is assigned, completed and ready to turn in when you come to class. BE ON TIME.


  1. Be RESPECTFUL of your instructor and each other.
  2. ALWAYS try and put forth your best effort.
  3. The SHOP and DESK AREA must be cleaned at the end of each class period.

Thank you!

Course Summary:

Date Details Due
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