English I Honors - 10215X0 - S1 - Terry - 2(A-C)

Welcome to English Class

Welcome to English I Honors with Ms. Terry 

Franklin County Early College High School

“Learn Today, Lead Tomorrow”


English I

Faculty Member: Ms. Shaniqua L. Terry

Room 107

Contact info: (919) 496-1055



Class Times:


1st Period ….       8:25 – 10:00

2nd Period ….     10:00- 11:25

3rd Period ….      11:25 – 1:20

4th Period  ….      1:20-2:45


Faculty Tutoring Times:


Wednesdays and Thursdays 2:45-3:45



Class Supplies:

3 Ring Binder

Index Cards

College Ruled Paper

Pens (blue or black)



Composition Notebook



Course Overview

  • Students in English I will read and discuss both classical and contemporary literature
    • Literary selections will include: To Kill A Mockingbird, Animal Farm, Romeo and Juliet & The Odyssey
  • Grammar, usage, and mechanics
  • Students will make connections between literature and current events
  • Students will write research papers using the proper format

Course Outline

  • Students will read their own personal literature selections every day in class during independent reading time. Weekly reflections about their text will be due every Friday
  • Current events- students will make draw links between literature and current events. We will explore matters of relativity, and make connections between what we read in the classroom and current real world situations
  • Students will complete a major assignment (paper, project, assemblage, etc.) for each literary selection we cover in class


Mission Statement: Franklin County Early College High School’s mission is to provide small learning communities to prepare students for academic rigor, relevant coursework to build school and community relationships embracing 21st century skills. 

The framework of the early college high school is to ensure each student earns a high school diploma and a two-year degree or transferrable college credits in five years or less. Another objective of the early college high school is to improve high school graduation, college attendance and completion rate and to integrate students into the college culture at the high school level.






TESTS  (Essays, projects, research papers) 45%



The grading scale for this course is

A= 90-100              B = 80-90                 C= 70-80               D = 60-70             F = <59

Students are expected to turn in all assignments on time.

Progress Reports:

Progress reports will be sent out (on or about)

  1. August 29, 2018
  2. September 19, 2018
  3. November 2, 2018
  4. November 28, 2018

If you have any questions or concerns regarding any of the information presented, or otherwise, please feel free to e-mail me at shaniquaterry@fcschools.net . I would be more than happy to answer your questions!


Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the submission, either orally or in writing or words, ideas, drawings, or other works of another as one’s own without providing the appropriate citation or otherwise referencing sources of such words, ideas, drawings or other works of another person for purpose of receiving credit for having completed an academic assignment. This is a form of academic dishonesty that is unacceptable at Franklin County Early College High School.  (http://libguides.st-aug.edu/content.php?pid=394444&sid=3233924)


Statement of Good Will: Every effort will be made to adhere to the above syllabus, however, changes may be made at the discretion of the teacher.






Course Summary:

Date Details Due