Course Syllabus

EX.LS.1 Apply safety measures and procedures in a variety of situations in the community and home.

EX.LS.1.1 Carry out common disaster/accident procedures for preparation (if advance warning is received) and response to: • Fire • Tornado • Flood • Winter storm • Hurricane


EX.LS.1.2 Compare an emergency situation and a nonemergency situation.


EX.LS.1.3 Carry out (through role playing) the process for reporting an emergency to the proper authorities.


EX.LS.2 Apply skills associated with providing simple first aid and obtaining medical treatment when needed.

EX.LS.2.1 Compare simple and serious injuries


EX.LS.2.2 Demonstrate the proper procedures for providing first aid for these simple injuries: • Minor scrapes and cuts • Insect bites • Simple burns (including sunburn)


EX.LS.2.3 Identify symptoms and routine home treatments of common non-serious illnesses: • Common cold • Fever • Headache • Stomach ache • Body aches


EX.LS.2.4 Compare community sources of medical care and the services that can be obtained from these agencies: • Health department • Hospital • Family medical practice • Pharmacy • Walk-in Clinic


EX.LS.2.5 Indicate personally identifiable information.


EX.LS.3 Apply the skills needed to practice healthful living and good nutrition.

EX.LS.3.1 Apply daily hygiene/grooming habits.


EX.LS.3.2 Apply common practices that help prevent illnesses and germ spreading.


EX.LS.3.3 Identify basic guidelines for the practice of good nutrition.


EX.LS.3.4 Identify the benefits of a regular exercise program including its relation to weight and

health .


EX.LS.3.5 Plan a simple meal based on nutritional guidelines: • Develop a grocery list • Purchase food • Awareness of cooking terms • Cooking methods • Kitchen appliance usage


EX.LS.3.6 Identify foods that are high-risk for contamination/ spoilage


EX.LS.3.7 Carry out the proper methods for handling, preparing, and storing foods.


Course Summary:

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