Important Info

Ashtyn Kepley

Email address:

School phone: (919)-496-7377


I Can Statements for the 4th 9 Weeks


  1. I can ask and answer questions about key details in a text .
  2. I can retell stories with key details to demonstrate my understanding of the message.
  3. I can describe characters, settings and major events in a story (beg./mid./end) using key details.
  4. I can identify words and phrases that suggest feelings.
  5. I can explain major differences between fiction and nonfiction texts.
  6. I can identify who is telling the story.
  7. I can use illustrations and details in a story to describe its characters, setting or events.
  8. I can identify the main topic and retell key details of a text.
  9. I can ask and answer questions to help decide or clarify the meaning of words and phrases in a text.
  10. I can use various text features to locate key facts and gain understanding of a text.
  11. I can use the illustrations and details in a text to describe its key ideas.
  12. I can compare and contrast the experiences of characters in stories.
  13. I can describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas or pieces of information in a text.
  14. I can identify the reasons an author gives to support points in a text.
  15. I can identify basic similarities in and differences between two texts on the same topic.

Foundational Skills:

  1. I can understand the basic features of print such as first word capitalization and ending punctuation.
  2. I can tell the difference between long and short vowel sounds in spoken single-syllable words.
  3. I can say single-syllable words (including blends) by blending the sounds (phonemes).
  4. I can find and say the initial, medial vowel and final sounds in single-syllable words.
  5. I can segment single syllable words.
  6. I know common consonant digraphs.
  7. I can decode one syllable words.
  8. I know my long vowel patterns.
  9. I can read my first grade sight words.
  10. I can fluently and accurately read grade-level text with purpose and understanding.


  1. I can write all upper and lower case letters correctly.
  2. I can correctly use common, proper and possessive nouns.
  3. I can use singular and plural nouns with matching verbs.
  4. I can use verbs to tell about past, present and future.
  5. I can use adjectives.
  6. I can join 2 sentences using a connecting word. (conjunctions).
  7. I can write various types of sentences (declarative, interrogative, and imperative, exclamatory).
  8. I can capitalize names, places and dates.
  9. I can use punctuation correctly.
  10. I can use conventional spelling for words with common spelling patterns and high frequency words.
  11. I can spell new words phonetically.
  12. I can use commas in dates and to separate words in a series.
  13. I can correctly use frequently occurring prepositions such as during, beyond, toward…..
  14. I can correctly use determiners such as articles and demonstratives.


  1. I can write opinion text that introduces the topic, states an opinion, provides a reason, and has a closing statement.
  2. I can write informative/explanatory text, including facts and information with a beginning, middle, and end.
  3. I can write narrative with specific details, transitional words with a beginning, middle and end.
  4. I can edit and enhance my writing using specific details.
  5. I can, with the help from adults/peers, use digital media to produce/publish writing.
  6. I can participate with others to write about a research topic.
  7. I can use my own experiences, and locate resources to answer a question.

Numbers & Operations in Base 10:

  1. I can count, read, write, and represent any whole number to 120 starting at any number, using a variety of objects.
  2. I can recognize that a group of 10 ones is a unit of 10, understand the numbers 11 to 19 are composed of ten plus one, two,three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, and understand the two digits of a two-digit number represent amounts of tens and ones.
  3. I can compare two two-digit numbers based on meanings of the tens and ones digits using the symbols >, =, <.
  4. Given a two-digit number, I can mentally find 10 more or 10 less without having to count.
  5. I can add within 100 using concrete models or drawing and strategies based on place value and explain the reasoning.
  6. I can subtract multiples of 10 from 10-90 using concrete models or drawing and strategies based on place value and explain the reasoning.

Operations & Algebraic Thinking:

  1. I can demonstrate ways to solve addition and subtraction problems within 20 by adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing unknown numbers in all positions.
  2. I can solve word problems using addition for three whole numbers within 20 by using objects, drawings, and equations with an unknown number.
  3. I can demonstrate and model the properties of addition and subtraction and I know the relationship between subtraction and addition.
  4. I can understand subtraction as an unknown addend problem.
  5. I can add and subtract by counting by 2’s, 10 more or 10 less…
  6. I can add and subtract within 20, using a variety of strategies such as counting on, making tens, decomposing a number, and/or using a relationship between adding and subtracting, equivalent but unknown sums.
  7. I can understand the meaning of the equal sign.
  8. I can determine the unknown whole number in an addition or subtraction equation (8 + ? = 11)

Measurement & Data:

  1. I can order three objects by length, comparing two objects indirectly by using a third object.
  2. I can find the length of an object by laying copies of a shorter object end-to-end with no gaps or overlaps.
  3. I can tell and write time in hours and half hours using analog and digital clocks.
  4. I can organize, represent, and interpret data with up to three categories (ask and answer questions about data)


  1. I can distinguish between defining attributes (number of sides, open or closed) versus non defining attributes (color, size) as well as build and draw these shapes.
  2. I can use two dimensional shapes to create a composite shape, and create new shapes from the composite shape.
  3. I can partition circles and rectangles into two and four equal shares, describe the shares using the words halves, fourths, and quarters, and use the phrases half of, fourth of, and quarter of and understand that decomposing into more equal shares creates smaller shares.