Dukelow Homeroom

7th Grade Social Studies Syllabus

Welcome to Seventh Grade

Teacher Lisa M. Dukelow

E- Mail: lisadukelow@fcschools.net

Text: Discovering Our Past  -  A History of the World  -  Digital copies will be available to students.  If you want a textbook, to have at home you will need to email the teacher and have it signed out to you.  

Course Title: World Geography, History and Culture: Patterns of

Continuity and Change  -  The Great Global Convergence (1400-1800) to Present Day

Description: Seventh grade Social Studies is a study of the world from a geographical, historical, and cultural perspective. The new course allows for a comparative exploration of cultures all across the globe with a particular focus on conflict and cooperation, economic development, population shifts, political thought and organization, cultural values and beliefs and the impact of the environment of regions in the modern world.

Words from Ms. Dukelow

This class is designed to inform students of the history that has gone before them. We will discuss the curriculum requirements and current issues going on throughout the world today. We will have rigorous lessons, writing and tests to prepare students for higher levels of learning after my class is completed.


I make it a point not to express my own views when in class or teaching students.  Therefore, I do not have bumper stickers or tags displayed with political or religious viewpoints.  As your social studies teacher I want you to understand that I do not express my views since I believe this can affect how students  interpret what is taught.  Social Studies is about the entire world, we will have many discussions this year, some you may agree with and other you may not.  Everyone has a right to their opinion, but you need to be respectful of other opinions around you. 

I may at times give you hypothetical examples to think about and discuss.  When preparing lessons, I used a variety of sources geared toward middle school students.  These included, PBS Newshour, ICivics, McDougal Textbook and McGraw-Hiland the  NC Standards for Social Studies.  


Sample Ground Rules for Discussions 

  1. Listen actively and attentively. 
  2. Ask for clarification if you are confused. 
  3. Do not interrupt one another. 
  4. Challenge one another, but do so respectfully. 
  5. Critique ideas, not people. 
  6. Avoid put-downs (even humorous ones). 
  7. Build on one another’s comments; work toward shared understanding. 
  8. Do not monopolize discussion. 
  9. Speak from your own experience, without generalizing.
  10. If you are offended by anything said during discussion, acknowledge it immediately. Follow up with the teacher after class either in person, on a phone call or in email.  

Grading: 10 point grading scale

A- 100-90

B- 89-80

C- 79-70

D- 69-60

F 59-0


  • If a student does not turn in an assignment the student will lose 10 points each day the work is late.  After 5 days it will become a zero in the gradebook.  Extra Credit will not be given for students who did not do work.  
  • Summative Grades- 60% (Test/Assessments, Projects, Quizzes)
  • Formative  Grades- 40% (In Class/Homework and Notebook Checks)
  • Full and complete sentences are required for all answers, you will not receive full credit if you do not have full and complete sentences.  

Main Topics:

  1. Five themes of geography/ Bias/ Propaganda
  2. Primary and Secondary Sources, Citing Evidence and using the RACE method to answer questions
  3. Review of Middle Ages/ Dark Ages
  4. Reformation and Renaissance periods
  5. Age of Exploration and Global Exchange 
  6. Enlightenment and Revolution
  7. Industrial Revolution and Society’s Response
  8. Age of Imperialism
  9. World War I
  10. World Depression
  11. World War II
  12. The Cold War
  13. The New World Order


  • Students will come to class on time, prepared, and ready to learn.
  • All assignments, notes, and maps and any other papers or documents  will remain in their social studies notebook.  
  • Each unit will start with a map that you will be responsible for completing and keeping in your notebook.  
  • Students who are absent should check Google Classroom for missing assignments.
  • All assignments are due at 11:59 p.m.  They can be turned in before that time, but will be considered late after 11:59 p.m.  Google will timestamp when assignments are turned in.  


Supply List

  1. 3 Ring Notebook binder and 150 sheets of wide ruled paper
  2. Package of construction paper for foldables to put in notebook
  3. Pencils 
  4. Glue stick
  5. Colored Pencils

Course Summary:

Date Details Due