Important Info

Media Center

Candace Lathrop, Digital Literacy Coach & Media Coordinator

Contact information: candacelathrop@fcschools.net150136d0-bf26-4d28-bdd1-a7a5552b771e-6bcad4fb-2a16-4ff9-b287-d619510603c4-v1.png

Phone: (919) 853-3577 ext. 230

Students will access coursework through Google Classroom.  

Directions for Accessing Google Classroom: 

    • Username example:  etrou4567
    • Password example:  Lsch123!
    • If that information is not known, please contact Mrs. Lathrop to get the information or have a password reset.
    • Sign into student device and open Chrome.
    • Click bookmarks in top left corner and select ClassLink.
    • Log into ClassLink with the student username and password
    • On the Launchpad, click Google Classroom.  If the student has not saved a Google password for Google Classroom, please enter the student email address and password.
    • Google Classroom will open to the listing of enrolled courses.

Students will access course information by going to Google Classroom (can choose to insert direct link).  Students will need their FCS google account username and password for access.  If you have questions about the student login, please email me.

PARENTS:  To Request to be a Google Classroom Guardian, please contact your student(s)' teacher(s) via email.  What will parents view as a Guardian?  Google Classroom Guide for Parents

Need support for student device or account?  Please email