SUCCESS 101 - 96102X0 - S2 - Jones - 3(A)



Success 101 - Second & Third Period - Code: jones308

Contact information: Feel free to email me at:

Virtual Office hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 2:00 - 2:30pm 

Students will access course information by clicking on the Google Classroom link here: 

Students will need their student number and password for NCEdcloud. If you have questions about the student login, please email me.

Success 101: This course will focus on student achievement both at school and outside of
school. We will focus on study skills, test taking skills, IEP goals, character building and life skills.  Students will also receive help on any school work they are struggling to master. Please bring any assignments with you to the online sessions. We can talk through the assignments, and I will keep up with your class tasks and assignments in order to help you achieve success! 

As part of the virtual learning environment, students may be asked to use the following third party digital tools:

  1. Google Meet
  2. Google Voice
  3. Google Classroom

If you do not wish for your student to use these tools, please complete THIS FORM (Links to an external site.) and email it to me.


Create a Canvas Observer Account

Course Summary:

Date Details Due