Civics and Economics - 42092X0 - S2 - Lewis - 4(A)

Civics & Economics Syllabus

Mr. Lewis – Spring 2021

Welcome Video (Links to an external site.)

Google Classroom Link: Google Classroom

Google Class Code: 


Course Overview:

Civics and Economics has been developed as a course that provides a framework for understanding the basic tenets of American democracy, practices of American government as established by the United States Constitution, basic concepts of American politics and citizenship and concepts in macro and micro economics and personal finance.

Virtual Classroom Expectations:

  • Be respectful.
  • Turn off you camera and microphone when you enter the virtual classroom.
  • Come to class each day ready to participate. Although your video and microphone should be turned off, be ready for me to call on you.
  • Attendance is taken every day.


  • Formative Assessments - Classwork & Homework - 40%
  • Summative Assessments - Tests, Quizzes, Major Writing Assignments, & Projects - 60%

Late Assignments:

Students will have one day after the due date to turn in assignments with no penalty. After that, students will have 10% deducted for every day the assignment is late. After five days, the student can earn, at most, 50% credit for a late assignment.

Contact Information:

Phone: 919-494-2332 Ext. 273


Course Summary:

Date Details Due