NC Math 1 Period 3 Spring '21 Mrs Mullen

Math 1   

Mrs. Barbara Mullen

Planning 1:40 - 3:00 

(Ph) 919-494-2332

Google Classroom Period 3 

Math 1 provides students the opportunity to study concepts of algebra, geometry, functions, number and operations, statistics and modeling throughout the course. These concepts include expressions in the real number system, creating and reasoning with equations and inequalities, interpreting and building simple functions, expressing geometric properties and interpreting categorical and quantitative data. The final exam is the North Carolina End-of-Course Test based on the Common Core Math 1 Standards.

Required Materials: (needed daily)

Classroom Expectations:

    • Ask Questions. Ask Questions???
  • Attend virtual instruction. Highly recommended to receive the instruction and ask questions.  
  • Students are expected to be respectful toward their peers and their teachers. We are all here to support and help each other during virtual instruction.
  • If students have difficulty understanding directions or concepts, they should ask questions.  Highly encouraged to be successful in math.
  •  Mute mic while I am teaching unless you are speaking.  You may turn cam off unless you are sharing something with class.

Required Activities:

  • Attendance will be taken daily.  Must attend google meet live instruction and/or submit the day’s assignment and/or complete daily exit ticket question
  • It is the student’s responsibility to complete and turn in all assignments before the next class.   Missing assignments will be posted as zeros in Powerschool.
  • Notes and HW assignments are posted to google classroom daily.
  • Classwork/Homework.  Homework is assigned daily!  Expected to be completed on time. 

Submit through your google classroom by 11:45pm the day it is due for credit. (Formative Assessment)

  • Quizzes.  (Summative Assessment)
  • Tests.  After each unit. (Summative Assessment)

Evaluation Method:

There is no pass/fail grade this semester.  You will receive a numeric grade that you earn.

Formative Assessment: 40%

Summative Assessment: 60%

Final Exam (state EOC exam): 20% of overall grade.  

Grading Scale:

A = 90 – 100

B = 80 – 89

C = 70 – 79

D = 60 – 69

F = 59 and below

Course Summary:

Date Details Due