Important Info
Assignments for Week of 8/17-8/21
Ms. Whitfield
Contact information:
School Phone: 919-853-3577
Virtual Office hours: Monday and Wednesday 200:-3:00 via Google Classroom or email; students can access links for these hours from either Gmail or their classroom Canvas page.
As part of the virtual learning environment, students may be asked to use the following third party digital tools:
- Google Meets and recordings
- Google Classroom: Class Code: sbuydmp
- Teach Your Monster to Read
- iReady
If you do not wish for your student to use these tools, please complete THIS FORM and email it to me.
Students will access course information by clicking on the Syllabus page. Students will need their student number and password for NCEdcloud. If you have questions about the student login, please email me.
PARENTS: Use the following directions to create a Canvas Observer Account
- Have your student(s) Generate a Pairing Code (this will be different for each student).
- Go to (bookmark this site so that you can easily access your Observer dashboard for your student(s).
- Click on Parent of a Canvas User? in the upper right-hand corner of the window.
- Complete the required information in the window, which will include inputting the student Pairing Code. Multiple students can be added.
- Go to the Dashboard to see your student(s)' courses.
- Parents can sign into this account to easily access their student's courses within Canvas.
- What can parents view as an Observer?
Students will access course information by going to Google Classroom Students will need their FCS google account username and password for access. If you have questions about the student login, please email me.
PARENTS: To Request to be a Google Classroom Guardian, please contact your student(s)' teacher(s) via email. What will parents view as a Guardian? Google Classroom Guide for Parents
Need support for student device or account? Please email
If you have student device or account questions, email
School Calendar: (Links to an external site.)
More information can be found on the FCS Technology Department (Links to an external site.) page. To review the privacy policy for the tools used in my classroom, please click on the 3rd Party Digital Resources (Links to an external site.). Also, please be sure to return to my classroom page for updates. Technology is always changing and the list may change during the course of the semester/year.