American History II Honors - S2

New York city views. Sutton Place by Gottscho, Samuel H. (Samuel Herman) - 1932 Apr. 12.


Syllabus Link: HERE

Honors American History II

Mr. Dietz - 919-406-3975 x292; (preferred)

Room 118


The state of North Carolina has designed the American History II curriculum to help students develop the necessary thinking skills to detect trends, analyze movements, and comprehend the events required to understand our nation’s history. THIS COURSE IS REQUIRED FOR GRADUATION. Class time is limited and every moment must be used for learning. Student disruptions WILL NOT be tolerated. Students are expected to observe and abide by the rules in this syllabus.


Course Description: American History II will guide students from the late nineteenth century time period through the early 21st century. Students will examine the political, economic, social and cultural development of the United States from the end of the Reconstruction era to present times. The essential standards of American History Course II will trace the change in the ethnic composition of American society; the movement toward equal rights for racial minorities and women; and the role of the United States as a major world power. An emphasis is placed on the expanding role of the federal government and federal courts as well as the continuing tension between the individual and the state. The desired outcome of this course is for students to develop an understanding of the cause-and-effect relationship between past and present events, recognize patterns of interactions, and understand the impact of events on in the United States in an interconnected world.

Class Rules


  1. Respect yourself and those around you

Students are expected to follow all rules in the Student Code of Conduct manual, and are also expected to behave as adults. There will be no toleration for behavior, speech, activity or conduct that is disrespectful. Be civil and courteous to your teacher and classmates. TAUNTING, BULLYING, HORSEPLAY, and FIGHTING WILL NOT BE TOLERATED AND WILL RESULT IN IMMEDIATE REFERRAL TO THE OFFICE.


  1. Be prepared for class

Come to class every day with all required materials (Chromebook, paper, pencil, etc.) for this class. You must bring your charged Chromebook to class each day. We will be working with digital copies of your textbook and primary sources and your chromebook is essential for learning. Not bringing your chromebook to class is not an excuse to not work that day.


  1. Follow all instructions in an orderly manner

Students are expected to listen to their teacher and follow all directions given in class. If you have a question or need an instruction clarified, please raise your hand and wait to be called on.


  1. Do not distract or interfere with your classmates’ learning

The classroom is a place for learning, NOT for socializing, texting, grooming, sleeping, playing, eating, or any other sort of behavior that disrupts the learning process. THERE IS TO BE ABSOLUTELY NO UNAUTHORIZED CELL- PHONE USE OF ANY SORT IN CLASS. Any cell phones seen in by the teacher can and will be confiscated. When students engage in these (or other) distracting activities, they are not only hindering their own learning, but also the learning of their fellow students. Students are expected to remain focused on the task at hand.


  1. Be HONEST

Cheating WILL NOT be tolerated. Forms of cheating may include, but are not limited to: using another student’s work as one‘s own, sneaking answers or using “cheat sheets,” using a cell phone or chromebook to look up answers, communicating answers to other students, or any other dishonest attempt to obtain information or answers to an assignment.  Anyone caught cheating will receive a grade of “0” on that assignment and will be subject to the appropriate disciplinary action, as outlined in the Code of Conduct.



See your BHS student handbook for appropriate consequences for violation of class and/or school rules.

Class Procedures

  • Enter the classroom quietly and sit in your assigned seats
  • Review the Daily Announcement in Canvas
  • Raise your hand and wait to be recognized to speak.
  • Remain in your seat unless told otherwise.
  • Remain focused on the task assigned.


Materials Needed for Class

  • Charged Chromebook - Bring this every day
  • Headphones
  • A Folder in your Google Drive with the following subfolders (I will show you how to set this up.):



Quizzes and Tests


  • Pencils or pens (BLUE OR BLACK INK ONLY)
  • Binder and/or loose leaf paper - We will be as paperless as possible in this classroom but you may take notes or submit homework on paper if necessary.


Grades and Grading

  • Semester Grades will be calculated as follows:
    • Tests: 45%
    • Quizzes: 30%
    • Homework/Classwork: 25%
    • Project - 5%
  • Your overall grade will be calculated as follows:
    • Quarter 3 - 40%
    • Quarter 4 - 40%
    • Final Exam - 20%


A: 100-90  B: 89-80 C: 79-70  D: 69-60 F: 59 and below


There is no special approach or formula to doing well in this class. Coming to class, completing in-class work, taking notes, and studying each night are the keys to success in this class. It is YOUR responsibility to pass this course. I put forth 100% effort each day, I expect the same in return.


Attendance Policy

The Attendance Policy requires all students to miss no more than 5 (five) class meetings per course.


Tardy Policy

The following is our new SCHOOL WIDE POLICY: Students are expected to be in the classroom (passed the door frame) when the bell begins to ring. There are ZERO EXCEPTIONS to this. Consequences for being tardy are outlined in the BHS Student Code of Conduct.


Bathroom Policy

Students may use the restroom and water fountains on the New 100 Hall only. Permission to use the restroom is not permission to travel across the school. Students MUST SIGN OUT AND BACK IN when they leave and return.


Make-Up Work / Late Work

It is the student’s responsibility to turn in all work that was missed due to an absence, as well as to schedule a time to make up any missed quizzes or tests during remediation. Absent work is placed at the front of the room in the tray labeled for your class. It is a school rule that students have two (2) days to make-up any missed work per one (1) day of absence. Work completed after two (2) days will be penalized for being late. Late work is not accepted without an excused and legal absence document. A list of legal absences can be found in your Student Handbook. Late work penalties: 1 Day - 10%, 2 Days - 30%, 3 Days - 40%, More than 3 days late - no higher than 50%

Instructional Technology

This class utilizes Canvas and Google Chromebooks to provide resources for students (digital copy of the book, notes, projects, rubrics, reminders, etc). Be sure to check your email and the Canvas course daily.   



Any student should feel free to ask me for help. If there are questions about a topic discussed in class, an assignment, please ask. Also, check Canvas for information and updates about our class. If you wish to contact me directly, my e-mail address is

Course Summary:

Date Details Due