BMS ELA 7th 19-20 - Arrington -

Welcome to Arrington's 7th Grade ELA Class.

Name:  Stacy Arrington

Phone number: 919-496-7700 ext. 308


Office/Room Number: 308

Office hours:  Monday -Friday 8:00 a.m-4:00  p.m.

Virtual Office hours: [Wednesdays 12:00 p.m. -1:00 p .m.  via Google hangout  I will send out link to join visit Google Classroom]; students can access links for these hours from  Google Classroom.

sent from their teacher(s).  Paper packets for K-8 students that were distributed for April 6-20 can be found HERE.

Students will access course information by going to (Google Classroom ].  Each student is able to log in on their device.  Students will need their FCS google account username and password for access.

Students will access course information by going to Google Classroom (Links to an external site.).


To Request to be a Google Classroom Guardian, please contact your student(s)' teacher via email.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due