Social Studies Grade 6 - 40062Y01 - 18-19 - Thomas - 64(A)

Welcome to Mr. Thomas's

6 grade Social Studies Class

(919)554-4848 ext. 505 


Team Tigers

Sixth Grade Social Studies Syllabus



No student may interfere with another student’s opportunity to learn.


Course Description:

The focus for sixth grade social studies is to expand students’ understanding of history through the study of people and events before the era of European exploration and settlement. This study focuses not only on the significance of geography in the development of the human story but also on the everyday lives, problems, and accomplishments of the people and their roles in developing social, economic, and political structures of the major civilizations.



Discovering Our Past: A History of the World

Topics to be Covered:

Geography, Economics, Governments, Prehistory, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Japan, India/Persia, and China, Rome, Middle Ages, Renaissance/Reformation, Exploration, Africa, Mesoamerica, Islam, & World Religion



Students will be expected to give 100%, always doing their very best. This class will be both demanding and challenging. It will be up to the student to complete assignments on time, keep up with his/her notes, and be able to problem solve instead of just memorizing facts. Assignments and projects will be done in class with collaborative groups, as well as students doing independent research. Class participation is a must as students will be actively engaged throughout this course.



        Grading Scale:                                                        Grading Distribution:

          A      100-90                                       Quizzes, Homework, and Classwork – 40%

          B        89-80                                       

          C        79-70                                       Projects and Tests – 60%

          D       69-60                                      

          F        59 and below                                                        


  • Study guides will only be given at teacher discretion with the exception of IEP’s or 504 plans.
  • Because of district policy, no matter what a student earns, they cannot receive anything lower than a 50 on their report for the first nine weeks only.



If a student is not at school, it is his/her responsibility for making up any missed work. Students will have two days for each day they were absent to make the work up before the late policy takes effect.  It is also their responsibility to get notes and any homework that they missed, as well.


Schoolwide/Team Tigers Classroom Procedures

  1. Enter classroom quietly.
  2. Only leave classroom with permission and pass.
  3. Have all materials ready for class.
  4. Listen to and follow directions.
  5. Keep hands and feet to yourself.
  6. Wait to be dismissed.


Classroom Management:

Students are expected to be respectful, as they will be respected and to follow the 3R’s at all times – Be Ready, Be Respectful, and Be Responsible.


Major Offenses

  • Fighting
  • Vandalism
  • Stealing
  • Blatant Disrespect
  • Participating in Gang Activities
  • Abusive Language to Staff
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Weapon
  • Bullying

* All major offenses will result in an immediate referral to an Administrator.


  • If there are any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call or e-mail:


My planning time is from ____________ in case you ever need to set up an appointment.


          I truly have an exciting year planned as we study the ancient civilizations through 1450 and look forward to being a part of your child’s educational journey!

For more information about this course click this Link.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due