Important Info

Welcome to Kindergarten

Mrs. Alford & Mrs. Richardson


Louisburg USD 416 - Home Page for Melissa Gage

Welcome to our class!

Please feel free to email me with any questions or concerns you may have throughout the school year!

Phone number: 919-853-3577. I am available most days (except Thursday) from 12:35-1:05

Need support for student device or account?  Please email

Useful websites:

Reading & Spelling

Academic Skill Builders (Links to an external site.)

Bitesize Literacy (Links to an external site.)

BrainPop Jr. (Links to an external site.)

Dr. Seuss (Links to an external site.)

Educational Videos/Lessons/Games (Links to an external site.)

Free Stories & Books for Beginners (Links to an external site.)

Learning Games for Kids (Links to an external site.)

Get Ready to Read! (Links to an external site.)

Mercer Mayer's Read & Play (Links to an external site.)

My Kids Corner (Links to an external site.)

Play Kids Games (Links to an external site.)

Reading Links (Links to an external site.)

Smarty Games (Links to an external site.)

Speakaboos (Links to an external site.)

Spelling City (Links to an external site.)

Starfall (Links to an external site.)

StoryLine (Links to an external site.)